Saturday, March 7, 2009

"Let's get it started!"

So, I have an announcement...sort of...

Jake and I are going to start trying to have a baby again next month. We've had several talks about the possibility of starting early, but thought it wouldn't be a good idea until I feel better with the epidural. I'm still good. The epidural has worn off a tiny bit, but the amount of pain has gone down about 95%, which is awesome. I still get sore when it's the end of the day and I've really exhausted myself. Other than that, I'm one happy camper.

I've been praying a lot for peace of mind, clarity, and patience with this whole experience. Jake and I are completely and totally ready to take this on and keep with it. We're a team, and we're hoping that soon we'll be able to announce that our "Smithling" is on it's way. I'm asking our friends and family to pray for us that this journey is smooth, and short.

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