Thursday, September 30, 2010

11 weeks, 5 days

OK, so I've been holding off as much as possible in posting any belly pictures until I knew I was showing. However, in a strange chain of events, I have been told no less than 4 times that I am indeed showing.

I've always had a tummy, something I am not proud of at all. But when Jake even says "Honey, I think you're starting to show", it starts to dawn on me that there's no turning back. So, I am (reluctantly) posting my first "belly" picture. Please be kind. If you must laugh, please don't tell me. ;)

Also please forgive the fact that it's a BlackBerry picture. My camera broke, and we're on the lookout for a replacement.

So what do you think? And by the way, I am not arching my back at all. I promise.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Ultrasound #2

Today Jake and I had our appointment with out OBGYN today and had our 2nd ultrasound. We love the doctor and I'm so happy to be her patient.

When we did the ultrasound, the first thing I noticed was the baby moving, and boy was he/she ever moving like crazy! We're talking waving arms up and down, wiggling around, kicking feet, the works. It was so cool to just sit and watch the baby's actions. The doctor said "Wow, you have a kicker" and Jake said "It's doing the happy dance!" It was just so amazing to see. And how the baby has grown? My goodness, there is a HUGE difference in size in just 3 weeks.

We've also found out that we will be finding how what we're having the Monday after Thanksgiving. I would have preferred to know before so we could tell our families, but it is what it is.

So, I know you're all wanting to see pictures...so here they are!

Pregnancy Dreams

When people said "you'll have weird and intense dreams while you're pregnant", weren't kidding! The Sandman is officially fired. I'm telling you, I have had some of the most frustrating and strangest dreams I've ever had in my life. Last night, I was kind of scared. Here are a few of the most strange dreams I've had lately.

Last night: I'm being chased by my grandmother and aunt through a convenience/Dollar Tree combo store. I'm hiding a couple of aisles away when they peek over and spot me, then they run (and my grandmother has a walker in real life, people) after me. I get out of the store and it's night time, so I go to the one place I know neither of them would set foot in...a bar. I convince the two bouncers that Grandma and Auntie are after me, and quickly make friends with them. Next thing I know, I'm sitting down, look to the left and my grandmother is sitting in the bar a few tables away, but her back is to me. No escape. Crap. Then (even weirder) I look out the tinted bar windows, and my aunt is in a big van, and is scanning the bar for me with a red laser. The laser barely misses me, and the alarm wakes me up.

Sunday night: I'm a pregnant bride, but everything is falling apart. My family is stuck at the hotel because the swimming pool is "free", there's a lion in a cage inside the chapel that the pastor insists is Jake's best man. My Dad is asleep and won't wake up (yes, he's alive), Jake is nowhere to be found and the buffet dinner is comprised entirely of olives. I hate olives. Somehow in my mind though, I thought if I reasoned with the lion, everything will be alright in the end.

Last week: Jake is cheating on me...with twin sisters. In real life, if I had caught Jake cheating on me, let's just say he wouldn't be walking for a long time. But in this dream, all I kept thinking is "I don't want to make him mad, so I won't say anything to him".

There are many more I've had, but I can't remember them all right now. Some, obviously, are stranger than others...but they're all pretty weird. Some are actually fun to share (the wedding one was a riot for Jake) and others, all I can say when I wake up is "I had the weirdest dream last night" because it's too complicated to tell at the time.

Just thought I would share.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

3 years

3 years ago, my sister in law was in pain. She was in labor with her first child. My mother in law took up residence in her living room to help her through the labor since her boyfriend was on vacation at the time. Jake and I regularly called to check in every 3-4 hours or so. My favorite call was when Jake asked "How's Summer doing?" and MIL answered "She's asleep in the bathtub". Thinking about that call still makes me giggle.

The following day, Jake and I were in a tax class at H&R Block to get a head start on what we needed to learn for the business we started. Summer had been in labor since 2 days before that, so we knew she was getting worn down. She had tried to go to the hospital but was sent home because she was "too happy" to occupy a hospital bed in labor. At around 10am, Jake and I both got text messages from MIL saying "Summer's about to push. Baby should be here in about an hour". 20 minutes later? "Skyler Raynne is here!"...so much for an hour, huh? We left our class early and headed to the hospital. At that moment, I became the proud auntie of Skyler Raynne Rouse. Tomorrow, she's turning 3 years old. She's rambuncious. She's sweet. She's a toe-head blonde with deep green eyes. She calls me "Auntie LoLo" and has a lisp. She knows the words to "Don't Stop Believin'" by Journey, "Wonderboy" by Tenacious D and "Sweet Caroline" by Neil Diamond. She's smart and playful. And she's 3....three. years. old. Where did the time go????

Monday, September 20, 2010

Halloween inspiration

Lately I've been interested (I'm not obsessed) in Halloween. The bug usually bites this time of year when the season click and that nip in the air is finally here. It's the time for colored leaves and pumpkins. I love this time of year. It's the beginning of the holiday season, my favorite part of the year. So here are a few Fall/Halloween pictures to get the mood going. Remember...this Wednesday is the first day of Fall! :D

Friday, September 17, 2010

Weekly video 9/17/10

This video was sent to me by a co-worker, and it's hilarious! What the people are doing is called "Flash Mob".


Friday, September 10, 2010

Weekly video 9/10/10

This is a video to go along with the "welcoming soldiers home" video I found. Can you tell the dog is REALLY happy to see his "Dad"?


Wednesday, September 8, 2010


One of the symptoms of this pregnancy I've noticed is my heightened sense of smell. I can smell the weirdest things and the normal smells are a little more intense. So yesterday while walking home from work, I started thinking about smells. People who know me well know that I LOVE scented candles, perfumes, lotions, laundry detergents...anything that smells good. But I don't go for the super fruity smells, or the strong smells. I go for whatever appeals to me, which I notice is more the fresh and flowery scents. So here are some of my favorite smells in the world and why:

Freshly dried laundry - it makes the world a better place

"Harvest" scented Yankee Candle - it envokes the essence of Fall

A humid Summer night - the fresh, balmy smell is refreshing after a hot day

Tan Bark - brings me back to playing on playgrounds as a child

Hello Kitty store - Only my mom understands

BBQ - is there anything better?

The night air on Halloween or Christmas Eve - just trust me, it's amazing

The inside spine of old library books - ahh, the smell of knowledge

A fresh Christmas tree - this is pretty obvious

Wood burning in a fireplace - memories abound

I'm sure there's more, but I can't think of any more right now. What are some of your favorite smells?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

8 weeks, 3 days

I'm trying not to be specific on days, but I was 8 weeks as of Saturday (if my counting is correct) and I'm looking forward to my next prenatal appointment on the 22nd.

I've hit a wall.

I slept pretty much all weekend, and I'm still exhausted. I wasn't feeling well yesterday and thought morning sickness was kicking in, but I feel better today. I think I wasn't drinking enough fluids or something because I started drinking a bunch thinking I was going to get dehydrated from the m/s, but now I'm OK. I'm pretty waterlogged, so Jake and I have discovered that a small amount of V8 Splash (Berry Mix) mixed in with the water gives it enough flavor to be bearable.

Hopefully this week goes by fast and I can rest before a baby shower I'm going to on Sunday rolls around. I'm excited to see our neighbor and friend, Mari being showered with all kinds of gifts for her little one to come. I just wish I wasn't so dang tired. But, like I've always said...I wouldn't trade the reason I'm tired for anything in the world.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Weekly video 9/3/10

This video is a prank a husband is playing on his wife. No worries, no one gets hurt.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First ultrasound

I've been looking forward to today for a long time...ever since Jake and I found out I am pregnant. Today was our first ultrasound. It was at our RE's office in SF, but it was quite the story getting there. Are you ready? Here we go.

So we are on the freeway, about to get onto the Bay Bridge. Of course, there's traffic. There's always traffic (seemingly) on the BB. No biggie, right? As we got past the infamous S-curve, we found out why there was such a hold up. There was a car broken down in the fast lane, and cars behind it were rushing to get out from behind it, causing a "slow-down". So we finally get off the freeway and onto the San Francisco streets. I swear whoever designed the streets of that city thought to themselves "Someday, some lady is going to need to have her first ultrasound at a hospital in the City. So let's criss-cross the streets in weird angles to confuse the heck out of her". We hit every. single. stoplight. in San Francisco. No joke. There were a few times where I said "We're never going to make it".

We got to Kaiser, and needed to find a parking space in their underground parking garage. Anyone who has been to the SF Kaiser knows parking there is a pain in the butt. Jake and I FINALLY found a space on the 5th floor (meaning 5 floors underground). We walk to the elevator(s). There are usually two of them, but of course one was broken. We were the 2nd pair of people to get to the elevator. We literally stood there waiting for the darn thing to get to our parking level for 15 minutes. So of course we have to stop at every single level on the way up, with people waiting to get on at each level. There were a select few who truly believed that if they squeezed hard enough, they would make space in the elevator. So by the time we got to the main lobby level, it was like a comical elevator scene where people are bursting out of the "car". We made our way to the opposite end of the lobby to the set of elevators that take you to the various levels of the hospital. We got to our level and I breathed a sigh of relief. We finally had made it! I walked up to the receptionist's desk (20 minutes late for my appointment thanks to the *wonderful* elevator system) and handed her my card. She looks at the computer and said "I don't see your appointment here". I said "I scheduled it in early August, so I should be in there". So she punches in my card number and says "Oh, yes. I see you here. It says here your appointment was cancelled". OH HELL NO! She looked at me totally waiting for me to accept my fate and walk away. But no. I stood there and said "I didn't cancel that appointment. No one called me to tell me it was cancelled. My husband and I just drove here from Richmond. Someone IS seeing me today". So she called the nurse's station and asked that one come up and speak to me. After about 10 minutes of waiting, she called again. One of the nurses came up, called my name and took Jake and I into a small office where she sat us down. She explained that my RE had decided to perform research today and cancelled all his appointment for today. But, they neglected to call me to tell me this. So she gave us two options.

1. To see another doctor who can fit us in for the ultrasound in a few minutes.

2. Reschedule for tomorrow with my regular doctor.

Jake goes to school Tuesdays and Thursdays. We purposely made this appointment on a Wednesday so Jake could attend. He didn't want to miss seeing our child for the first time. So needless to say, we went with Option 1. So the nurse walked us from the small office to the ultrasound room.

The doctor walked in and the show began. There were a few hiccups (the doctor as a "navigator", sucked at first) but I won't go into the gorey details. But pretty soon, we were face to screen with our little pinto bean. The doctor paused for a minute and said "You see that flicker?" I said "Yes I do". He said "Do you know what that is?" and I said "Yes. It's the heartbeat". I grabbed Jake's hand and looked at him. His face was so priceless. I wish I had caught it on camera. There was this awe-struck innocence about it, like he was seeing the stars for the first time. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. All the sounds in that room seemed to fade away and all that I could see and feel were Jake holding my hand and the little human on the screen. I had brought Kleenex because I was convinced I was going to bawl my eyes out. But as soon as I saw our little one, what were anticipated tears turned into amazement. I couldn't believe it. We're having a baby, and it has a heartbeat. I admit there were times where I thought we'd never get to this place. But here we are. We got two print-outs of the ultrasound. I am measured at 7 weeks 4 days, which gives us an EDD of April 16th, 2011. We're having an April baby!

So, without further ado, here's our little Smithling:

7 weeks, 4 days (he/she is the little "blob" on the lower right of the dark area)

Being measured