Friday, January 30, 2009

Weekly video 1/30/09

Good morning all! Happy Friday! I'm posting this week's video this morning since I won't be around this afternoon as I'm leaving early to go to Sacramento with family for my cousin's baby shower. In honor of the shower, I thought a trip down memory lane is in order for Meggie and I. Vanilla Ice meets Jim Carrey!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The little things get tougher

You know how they always say "Never say never"? Well, I am guilty of that exact crime. I was one of those naive people who loved to think "It could never happen to me". I hate to admit it, but I am.

I never knew how much I take walking for granted. Only when it's painful and tough to do can I truly appreciate walking normally. Like the old saying "You never know what you have 'til it's gone"...ohhhhh that is SO true. I miss standing and not feeling the curve in my spine putting pressure on my back and hip. I miss being able to sleep normally, and through the night. I have an appointment with Physical Medicin next week, and next week cannot some fast enough. I'm hoping it's just an easily fixable problem, but considering it's been almost 18 month since the pain started, I doubt it.

This weekend, I'm going to Sac town to go to Megan's baby shower. Saturday, Jake and I went to Babies R Us for a baby gift. I found it tough to walk through the clothes, bedding, toys, and gear without crying. I hate that because of my back problems, Jake and I can't aggressively try to have a baby right now. I sometimes hate myself for not going to the doctor's sooner for this. Don't get me wrong, things have never been better with Jake and I. There's no stress, no pressure, no nothing....just being together. But in the back of my mind, I know being a mother is what I've always wanted. Now I have to put that on hold because of this stupid curve. It makes me so mad...

On the flip side, I seem to be losing weight well. I've gotten some compliments on how I'm looking slimmer and healthier. I hope thry're right...hehehehe

Friday, January 23, 2009

Weekly video 1/23/09

This video was actually shot in a real-life prison in the Phillipines. Every person dancing is an inmate. It's really something to see.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Singin' in the Rain

What a glorious feeling, I'm happy again!!!

I'm sure that's what the Bay Area is feeling right now. Rain finally arrived for 2009, and I couldn't be happier. We need rain, desperately. Contra Costa County (where I live) is in a drought. The last drought I remember was when I was younger and it was the topic of so many discussions and headaches. There was a state-wide sigh of relief when the drought was declared officially over. I know I will contribute to the next sigh when this drought is declared over also.

Yesterday, our office completed our first tax return of the 2009 season. This marks the official beginning of the countdown to April 15th. Just a notice from your friendly neighborhood tax preparer:

As of February 23rd, the state of CA will be issuing IOUs for state refunds. If you receive your W2s and other necessary paperwork, get your return done and file it before February 23rd, the state will issue your refund instead of an IOU. So if you can, get your taxes filed with CA ASAP!

In other news, Jake and I bought a new TV. Well, it's new to us. Our housemate bought a new DLP TV for the sole purpose of having a larger screen. The other TV is perfectly fine, and it's ours! It's 50 inches, which dwarfs our now former TV of 27inches. Jake and I got to play Rock Band on the big TV last night and it is a totally different experience. I'm in love.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

Monday, January 19, 2009

A new era begins...

Tomorrow, our country will welcome the first African American president of the United States of America.

Whatever your political stance, you have to admit it's exciting. It's at times like these where I'm most proud to be who I am living in such a wonderful country. 4th of July doesn't even come close to the excitement I feel for tomorrow's events. To see a person of a minority with such a volatile past to get where it is today stand in a position that no one ever thought would occur in their lifetime is beyond words. We've truly embraced a new era as a nation.

I know our new leader has a lot on his plate: a drowning economy, shabby foreign relations, a 7 year old war, and then some. I won't say he will be without faults. We all have faults. But tomorrow I am fully giving Barack Obama my support, because it's at times like these where beggars can't be chosers. We've begged for lower gas prices, lower taxes, and for the "war" in Iraq to stop. Now we have a chance to make this country better. We have someone who has a vision to take our country to the next level. Why not support him? I will...

Here's to a new era with a wonderful leader....CHEERS!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Weekly video 1/16/09

My sincerest apologies to you all! I have neglected the weekly video for the past three weeks...I'm horrible I know.

Well, I promise to try and not "skip" any more weeks. Here's an oldie, but a goodie.


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Cat Fancy

A lot of people know Jake and I have three cats. The cats are kind of like our children. They eat, sleep and play with us. They are two brothers and a sister from the same litter. They all have their own distinct personalities...here's a summary:

NEEBS: Neebs is the largest cat of the three, and it the classic Alpha Male. He's also pretty fearless. Always the adventurer, Neebs likes to sneak out the front door while we're coming into the house. No matter who comes in the house, you better be prepared to be greeted by the brown tabby trotting up to you ready to sniff your pant legs and talk to you until you pet him. He's also the most laid back of the three. You can usually find him sleeping on Jake and my bed, or sitting in the window being teased by birds outside. He is leash trained and knows if he wants to "take a walk", he'll bring the leash to us. He also likes to drink from the

MJ: MJ is the orange tabby boy of the trio. He was injured about 3 years ago when one of Jake's swords fell on top of him. Needless to say, there hasn't been swords in the house since. He's a little skiddish, and is very shy unless he knows you VERY well. He's also a never-ending food disposal. If the food bowl is empty, or near empty, he's the first to let you know. He's a big foodie too, since whenever Jake and I sit down to have dinner, he's sitting right there, begging for tiny scraps of meat. His vises are being scratched on the haunches and little furry mice. MJ stands for Merlyn Junior. Merlyn was Jake's cat when he was a kid and MJ reminds him of that cat.

CHLOE: Chloe is the only girl, and the pudgiest of the three. She is the most cuddly, always looking for a warm spot to snuggle up against. She's the only cat I've ever know to NOT like fish. She's the most vocal of the cats, and loves to hold conversations with you if you let her. She also likes to be "roughed up", meaning she likes fast, firm pets and scratching. She has the loudest purr and is the only one who goes after carpet covered scratch posts. MJ is her buddy, as they've been inseparable since they were babies. She is the only one with brown spots in her eye, and shows the most evidence of being half brown and half orange tabby. She likes to be held like a cradled baby too.

I will post pics soon.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Another day, another year...

...gone by. Yeah, that's right...it's my birthday. I'm 25...officially in my mid-twenties now. I'm not saying I'm old or anything, it's just for me, time has...well...flown by. I can't believe it's been almost four years that Jake and I have been together. HOLY COW!!!

Last night Jake, my parents, Jake's mom, sister, sister's BF and daughter took me to Claim Jumper in Concord. I love that place! My parents came to the house with a bouquet of purple and pink flowers, and balloons.

Jake walked into the office with a bouquet of red roses and a birthday card. How sweet is that?

Friday, January 2, 2009

Welcome 2009!

Happy New Year everyone! OK, OK...so I know it's January 2nd, but so what?! I hope everyone had a spectacular (and safe) New Years. I'm really looking forward to seeing what 2009 has to bring. It's a new start, a fresh start...and I intend to make the best of it. It started yesterday.

Jake and I decided to tackle our plans head on. We cleaned out (and cleaned) our fridge, freezer, and pantry. There wasn't much to get rid of from the pantry since we use everything there, but we needed to start somewhere. Then we sat down and planned out our dinners for the next two weeks and headed to the grocery store to go shopping. There was no rush, no hurry. We just walked up and down the aisles talking and joking together. This might sound not right, but it was kind of like a free date. Sorry, I couldn't find a better term for it. One of the things I want to do this year is just relax and enjoy the time I have. Jake and I were so stressed out last year with the business and trying to have a baby. Now, we're just enjoying each other. Yesterday, I even woke up to Jake curled up right behind me, which NEVER happens since I always wake up before he does. He made me breakfast (OK, so it was a bowl of cereal, but it still counts), and we just hung out and watched movies all day.

Every day is a new start. Every day is a gift. Don't take them for granted, because family and love are the most important things in life. They're the ones who were there when you were born, they're the ones who stand by you through life, and they'll be there when the end comes. Enjoy life...it's the only one you've got! I love you all! :D