Monday, November 7, 2011

Haven't been abducted...

Oh my goodness! The last time I posted was in September!? WTH!!??

My poor neglected little blog. My readers (or what's left of them) are probably thinking I got abducted by aliens, or a 7-month old child...the latter being true.

So here's an update:

Scarlett is now 7 months old...yes...SEVEN months old. She'll be 8 months old on the 21st. And she now has teeth. Two on the bottom in the middle. What a battle that was. For the last 2 days before the first one cut through, she was a terror. But now that we know how to handle it (lots of freezable teething rings and THANK GOD for Hyland's teething tablets), we're pretty prepared. I know I say that and then I'll be thrown a serious curve ball in the teething department. Here's a picture of her tooth! Can you see it? Sorry the picture is so blurry. Taking a picture with a wiggly 7 month old isn't the easiest thing in the world. That and she just ate before the picture was taken, so please excuse the food on her cheeks.

We had a pretty quiet Halloween. My parents came up the day before for our local moms' group Halloween party to see Scarlett in her costume. She made an adorable strawberry.

We also had a "racy" Saturday night a couple of weekends ago. When I say "racy" I mean there was a high speed chase that spanned 3 counties, the Richmond-San Rafael bridge and it all came to a grinding (literally, grinding) halt at the end of our street at 2am. But that's another post altogether. Have I got you in suspense now? :)

Jake and I have decided to go to Disneyland for our 5 year wedding anniversary in May. We originally wanted to go back to Jamaica, but the price tag is a little hefty for us right now and we aren't comfortable with leaving Scarlett for a minimum of a week. Granted she'll be 14 months old, but still. So we've decided to drive down to LA for a few days.

If I remember anything else, I'll post I promise! Man I need to get back into the swing of things!