Saturday, March 28, 2009

An announcement

On the 1st, Jake and I will be resuming fertility treatments to have a baby again. I have the prescriptions for my medications and will start taking my BBT (Basal Body Temperature) and using OPKs (Ovulation Predictor Kits). I'm excited and nervous at the same time.

Jake and I have been experiencing "baby fever" for a few months, but decided to hold out until 5 months of our break. We planned on 6 months, but we figured 5 months was close enough. I know these times won't be easy for us. With the hormones and the possible failed IUIs, I know I'll be a bit emotional. But I also know that my family and friends will be there to lend their support and prayers for us. I also know that this will take determination, understanding and patience. Patience is the one I struggle with the most. I have accepted that the timing of a baby is not up to me, it's up to God. There is a reason why I haven't gotten pregnant yet, and only God knows that reason. All I can do is pray and do my best to be healthy and a good "home" for a growing baby.

I feel Jake and I have come a long way to get to where we are. I have realized that this isn't just me in this..it's Jake too. This is just as much his journey as it is mine, because we are in this together. Jake has realized that I'm taking the brunt of the processes that need to be performed to get pregnant and I just need him to be there as my main support. And I also need him to understand that this isn't easy for me because I constantly feel like the "broken" one. We both know it will all be worth it when we see our little Smithling's heartbeat on that ultrasound monitor. Until then, it's all about one day at a time and being thankful that we have our friends and family rooting us on, and awesome doctors who will do anything need be to get us to our goal: parenthood.

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