Jake and I have a somewhat set TV schedule.
Mondays: Little People, Big World & Jon and Kate plus 8
Tuesdays: Real Housewives of OC, NYC, and Atlanta (we can't get into the NJ one, sorry)
Wednesdays: The Exterminators and Dog the Bounty Hunter
Thursday: Grey's Anatomy
Friday: none
Saturday: none
Sunday: Big Love, The Tudors
Since Big Love finished their recent season, we've been watching The Tudors.
I find The Tudors to be very interesting because I find any history interesting, especially Renaissance, the Colonial times, Civil War, and WW2...and of course the 60s. I know when I first watched Jonathan Rhys Meyers play Henry VIII, I didn't really believe that Henry was a "rock star" until I started doing some research. He was quite the ladies man. But, besides that, there was a lot of cloak and dagger, betrayal, and watching your own back over anyone else. I think it paints a more accurate picture of life at court during that time than any history book I've read. Right now, Henry is married to Jane Seymour and next weekend we will find out that she's pregnant. Also, Mary Tudorhas just been welcomed back to court, and next week we will see Elizabeth for the first time since Anne Boleyn's execution. Also, I feel for Jane, because she's been trying to "influence" the King's decisions about the rebels fighting for Catholicism, and various foreign affairs but she's not very subtle about it. Anne was subtle and cunning. She knew which buttons to push and when. Jane just puts it blatently out there for even Helen Keller to recognize. You gotta give the poor woman credit for trying, but she's not succeeding very well.
Anyways, watch The Tudors...yes there are "love scenes" but it's still an awesome show!

I have read all the books in the Boleyn series by Phillipa Gregory and I would highly recommend them if you like The Tudors.
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