Saturday, April 11, 2009

AF, and more acronyms

Today, AF came. In the fertility world, AF = Aunt Flo...as in the monthly visitor. For most, AF is an unwelcome sight, for others it's a blessing. This month, it's a blessing. It means the progesterone worked and we're ready for the Clomid. This is really happening now...I can't believe it.

So here are a few acronyms I'll be using for those who don't know what foreign language I'm speaking. Some of them are kind of gross, but...yeah.

TTC: Trying to Conceive
AF: Aunt Flo (aka menses)
BFP: Big fat positive (positive pregnancy test result)
BFN: Big fat negative (negative pregnancy test result)
POAS: Pee on a stick (taking home pregnancy test)
HPT: Home Pregnancy test
DPO: Days past/post ovulation
DPIUI: Days past/post IUI
IUI: Intra-uterine insemination
O: Ovulate/ovulation

Also, I've been asked what "dust" is. Dust is another word for good thoughts, good vibes, prayers, what have you that adds to the good luck pile.

So I hope this post has been somewhat informative. So, here we go...


Ariella said...

Ya for AF (since this month it is a good thing)!

Bethany said...

Oh, thank you for posting that! I've scratched my head for months over some of those terms.