Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy April Fools

Or in SF, they call it "St. Stupid Day"...seriously.

I don't have any jokes today for anyone, honestly. I have an update though.

I took my first progesterone last night and it's finally hit me that this is real again. I'm not stressed about it, I'm excited. I had a tiny scare at the pharmacy though when I went to pick up my medication:

I go to Kaiser San Rafael because they have the IF clinic there, and because it's a good hospital not in the ghetto unlike Richmond Kaiser. But, since I'm unable to jump across the Richmond/SR bridge every time I need to pick up medicine, I ask that it can be picked up at Richmond Kaiser. My doctors have been more than happy to oblige. I called my OBGYN and told her we'd like to start treatment again and therefore I needed the medicine. She looked up what dosage worked and ordered it for me to be picked up in Richmond. So on Monday, I went to get the medication and I get to the counter of the ONE pharmacy they have there (San Rafael has about 3 pharmacies) and ask (for confirmation sake) that my doctor ordered 100mg Clomid, not 50mg. The tech looks at the computer and says "She ordered 50mg"...crapola. So I'm sitting there, waiting for my name to show up in the screen they have, and I've chalked it up to maybe I need to start again from scratch...oh well, I'll deal with it. So I got my medicine and I stopped to check everything out to make sure I got everything, and what do I find? 100mg Clomid! Woohoo!!!

I guess the tech looked at the dosage of the medicine in the pills since they only come in 50mg pills. But, I got 2 pills of 50mg for each day, so I got my 100mg I needed. It's probably less complicated than I'm making it sound. Anyways, we've begun now. I'm excited. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck!