Monday, April 20, 2009

Trip to Target...

Target is pretty much our go-to store for everything except groceries, and clothes.

Saturday, Jake and I stopped at Target to get "The Spirit" on DVD (it wasn't that great by the way). Jake was downstairs and I was upstairs where the movies are...and the baby stuff. As soon as I got off of the escalator, I was greeted with baby clothes that were too cute for words. As I walked up and gingerly picked up the little outfits and looked at them, I really started to wonder if this cycle would work for us.

I've been praying a lot for a healthy baby/pregnancy and a successful IUI, but I know these things aren't up to me. I've been going to acupuncture, I've been trying to exercise more and eat healthier. I've been taking prenatal vitamins and eating excess pineapple, spinach and pomegranate juice. In a few days, I'll be taking Mucinex (probably TMI for this blog, so I won't go into details as to why)...but it also made me sad that I once again feel "broken".

These are the times I knew would come. I knew I would feel this way, and I know I will get over it. But in the meantime, I still have 7-8 days until I O, so I'm trying to relax and time things accordingly.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are NOT broken....please don't feel that way! It will all be worth it in the end.. Just keep thinking positive thoughts!!!!! In private you must tell me about why you take mucinex:)You are in my prayers!