Thursday, July 16, 2009

A small update on me

I apologize for my 4 day hiatus from blogging. I needed a break.

Yesterday Jake got news that his best friend's wife is pregnant with their third child. Their first two were our flower girls at our wedding. I love them both, and hope they have a happy and healthy 9 months ahead.

As hard as it was to hear that yet another person I know is pregnant, I thought I would be numb to the news by now. Don't get me wrong, I don't begrudge anyone else a pregnancy, or baby for that matter. A baby is a blessing, no matter who is the one being blessed. On one hand, I feel selfish for being upset, and on the other, I feel I deserve to feel a little selfish from time to time.

This weekend, Jake and I are going to an A's game with two friends (and his former roommates). I'm hoping this will be a small distraction from the world of baby making. I've never been to the Oakland Coliseum before...well the baseball half at least. This should be interesting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know it's hard. The best man from our wedding and his wife are expecting. They are only 10 weeks along and have already decorated the nursery. I just keep thinking how nice it must be for them to be so confident that nothing could go wrong. They have no idea what it's like to be where we are. But...whatever. It's hard.