So I know it's been over a week since Fall began, but last night Jake and I were feeling the full effects of it. It was the first time we turned on the heater, first time we didn't open our windows after work in 2 months, and the first time I got a chill in bed and needed to double up my blanket.
Summer was fun this year. Sure it was met with some unfortunate obstacles like trouble TTC, and wisdom teeth coming out, but it was also the season of the State Fair with Megan, Jon, Jalen and Justus, 4th of July with family, Jake's 30th birthday party, and much more. It was a good summer, probably the best I've had in a long time. But I'm looking forward to Fall.
Fall is the time for wet streets and chilly weather, sweaters and leaves changing color. It's also the season of haunted houses, ghosts, bats, and witches (Halloween) and also turkey, stuffing and family times. Fall is one of my favorite seasons...well hell...all the seasons are my favorite when they're here.
Happy Fall!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Post-surgery Day 8
Today is day 8 of post-surgery recovery. I must say I did not realize it was going to be this tedious and this painful. I'm so glad I never have to go through this again.
Now for the "good news"...I have a dry socket. Yes, it's true. Somehow I missed passing a clot in my lower left tooth and it turned into a dry socket. I must say (knock on wood) that I lucked out and it's not totally excruciating, but it is painful. I'm in ownership of some pretty serious pain meds as well, so it's good to say they help. I just can't wait to get this all healed and overwith. I must say, that day will not come a nano-second too soon.
Ugh...this sucks big time.
Now for the "good news"...I have a dry socket. Yes, it's true. Somehow I missed passing a clot in my lower left tooth and it turned into a dry socket. I must say (knock on wood) that I lucked out and it's not totally excruciating, but it is painful. I'm in ownership of some pretty serious pain meds as well, so it's good to say they help. I just can't wait to get this all healed and overwith. I must say, that day will not come a nano-second too soon.
Ugh...this sucks big time.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Weekly video 9/25/09
This week's video is hilarious, as well as a recent internet-wide viral video.
I hope to catch this kind of stuff one day with my own little one.
I hope to catch this kind of stuff one day with my own little one.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Do your cheeks hang low?
Mine do, or at least it feels like it. My left cheek feels like it weighs a ton, even though I know it doesn't even weigh anywhere near a pound.
I'm sitting here, nearly falling asleep while typing this blog post and impatiently waiting for my next piece of RoundTable pizza (oh sweet relief!) I've lost a couple of pounds from the near-liquid diet I've been on for the past 5 days, and I must say...I never thought the secret to weight loss would be held in plastic cups full of chocolate pudding. Granted, I'd rather lose weight the REAL way, by eating carrots and exercising, I'll take what I can get at this point. Any weight lost, is good weight to me. Of course seeing Jake in his I-have-all-MY-teeth glory sinking his chompers into scrumptious crackers, and chicken, and all those other goodies I must live without for the time being is pure torture. I'm not afraid to admit it...I love food. And one doesn't really understand how GOOD food is until they can't have it. God help me if I ever get stranded on a deserted island.
I have also discovered Biotene. That stuff saved me last night. I was about ready to rip out my stitches I was in so much pain from the sore and swelling. 30-seconds of swishing-goodness and I was all better. Biotene...a life saver....OOH life savers. Just kidding (chuckle)...maybe.
I'm sitting here, nearly falling asleep while typing this blog post and impatiently waiting for my next piece of RoundTable pizza (oh sweet relief!) I've lost a couple of pounds from the near-liquid diet I've been on for the past 5 days, and I must say...I never thought the secret to weight loss would be held in plastic cups full of chocolate pudding. Granted, I'd rather lose weight the REAL way, by eating carrots and exercising, I'll take what I can get at this point. Any weight lost, is good weight to me. Of course seeing Jake in his I-have-all-MY-teeth glory sinking his chompers into scrumptious crackers, and chicken, and all those other goodies I must live without for the time being is pure torture. I'm not afraid to admit it...I love food. And one doesn't really understand how GOOD food is until they can't have it. God help me if I ever get stranded on a deserted island.
I have also discovered Biotene. That stuff saved me last night. I was about ready to rip out my stitches I was in so much pain from the sore and swelling. 30-seconds of swishing-goodness and I was all better. Biotene...a life saver....OOH life savers. Just kidding (chuckle)...maybe.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Day 2: post surgery
May I just start out by saying that Nitrous Oxide (aka laughing gas) is the best stuff EVER?
Yesterday morning, I woke up at 6am realizing I over slept and forgot to take the two anti-swelling pills I was supposed to take at 2am (no joke.) So I got up, took them and noticed the 3rd pill in there that was supposed to be taken 6 hours after the surgery was crushed almost to powder. So I decided to ask the assistant for another one when I was done. After that, I couldn't go back to sleep. I decided to entertain myself with some RockBand and Facebook until it was time to have Jake get up. I took a quick shower (I took my longer one the night before) and changed into my clothes. My Dad arrived a whole hour earlier than anticipated, so the three of us watched some TV while waiting for the time to leave. And it came, way too quickly for me.
We arrived at the doctor's office and sat down. I signed a consent form acknowledging that I was to have a surgical operation, the risks involved and what kind of anesthesia I had chosen and the risks involved in that as well. Fun stuff to read: especially the last word of the risks involved with the anesthesia: DEATH. Woohoo for me :(. Then Jake had to fill out a consent form that he was to drive me home and left his cell phone number in case they needed him and he had left, or to tell him I was done. So, the time came. I walked into the office and was asked to go to the bathroom. Then they brought me in the actual surgical room and I sat on that half gurney/ half dentist chair. So then they took my blood pressure and put little monitor pads on my heart and the little oxygen clamp on my forefinger. Then they put this nozzle on my nose that was gray and had two big tubes on either side. First came oxygen, then with some Nitrous Oxide mixed in. This of course was when they administered the IV. The Nitrous instantly relaxed me and I was feeling goooooooooooooood. They numbed the area where the needle would go through and before I knew it, I had the IV in. Then they stopped the nitrous (dammit) and the next thing I knew, all I could remember hearing was "OK, 5 mg administered" from the surgeon and "See you soon honey" from one of the assistants. I didn't dream, nothing. But then, our of nowhere, I felt this really intense pressure in my mouth and it woke me up. It was the surgeon cracking my lower teeth apart and I said to myself "OH hell no!" So I started to move around to let them know I was awake and it hurt so bad that I started crying. All I remember hearing was the surgeon saying "Oh, she's waking up" and the two assitants saying "Laurel, it's OK, it's OK. You're almost done" and then falling back asleep.
The next thing I remember is feeling being wheeled to recovery and hearing Jake's voice talking to the assitant. She said I did fine. I saw Jake and my Dad and started crying a little, which the assitant said is pretty normal when girls have this done. Then, with WADS of guaze in my mouth, I said "I woke up" and Jake asked the assitant if I did, and she said I did but I did OK. She said they were almost done so they couldn't give me more anesthesia because they didn't know how long I would've been out, so I'm guessing they just gave me another shot or two of the nitrous to make me fall back asleep. So we sat there for about 20 minutes and I slowly came to full consciousness. They wheeled me out in a wheelchair after giving Jake a baggie with post-op instructions, some extra gauze, a flushing syringe to clean the sockets, and a little white box shaped like a tooth. So I get in the car and looked in the box. There they teeth. Two whole ones from the top and pieces from the ones on the bottom. I went home, took some pain meds and had a 3 hour nap. I woke up looking like a chipmunk, but with ice and pain meds, I did fine.
Yesterday morning, I woke up at 6am realizing I over slept and forgot to take the two anti-swelling pills I was supposed to take at 2am (no joke.) So I got up, took them and noticed the 3rd pill in there that was supposed to be taken 6 hours after the surgery was crushed almost to powder. So I decided to ask the assistant for another one when I was done. After that, I couldn't go back to sleep. I decided to entertain myself with some RockBand and Facebook until it was time to have Jake get up. I took a quick shower (I took my longer one the night before) and changed into my clothes. My Dad arrived a whole hour earlier than anticipated, so the three of us watched some TV while waiting for the time to leave. And it came, way too quickly for me.
We arrived at the doctor's office and sat down. I signed a consent form acknowledging that I was to have a surgical operation, the risks involved and what kind of anesthesia I had chosen and the risks involved in that as well. Fun stuff to read: especially the last word of the risks involved with the anesthesia: DEATH. Woohoo for me :(. Then Jake had to fill out a consent form that he was to drive me home and left his cell phone number in case they needed him and he had left, or to tell him I was done. So, the time came. I walked into the office and was asked to go to the bathroom. Then they brought me in the actual surgical room and I sat on that half gurney/ half dentist chair. So then they took my blood pressure and put little monitor pads on my heart and the little oxygen clamp on my forefinger. Then they put this nozzle on my nose that was gray and had two big tubes on either side. First came oxygen, then with some Nitrous Oxide mixed in. This of course was when they administered the IV. The Nitrous instantly relaxed me and I was feeling goooooooooooooood. They numbed the area where the needle would go through and before I knew it, I had the IV in. Then they stopped the nitrous (dammit) and the next thing I knew, all I could remember hearing was "OK, 5 mg administered" from the surgeon and "See you soon honey" from one of the assistants. I didn't dream, nothing. But then, our of nowhere, I felt this really intense pressure in my mouth and it woke me up. It was the surgeon cracking my lower teeth apart and I said to myself "OH hell no!" So I started to move around to let them know I was awake and it hurt so bad that I started crying. All I remember hearing was the surgeon saying "Oh, she's waking up" and the two assitants saying "Laurel, it's OK, it's OK. You're almost done" and then falling back asleep.
The next thing I remember is feeling being wheeled to recovery and hearing Jake's voice talking to the assitant. She said I did fine. I saw Jake and my Dad and started crying a little, which the assitant said is pretty normal when girls have this done. Then, with WADS of guaze in my mouth, I said "I woke up" and Jake asked the assitant if I did, and she said I did but I did OK. She said they were almost done so they couldn't give me more anesthesia because they didn't know how long I would've been out, so I'm guessing they just gave me another shot or two of the nitrous to make me fall back asleep. So we sat there for about 20 minutes and I slowly came to full consciousness. They wheeled me out in a wheelchair after giving Jake a baggie with post-op instructions, some extra gauze, a flushing syringe to clean the sockets, and a little white box shaped like a tooth. So I get in the car and looked in the box. There they teeth. Two whole ones from the top and pieces from the ones on the bottom. I went home, took some pain meds and had a 3 hour nap. I woke up looking like a chipmunk, but with ice and pain meds, I did fine.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Weekly video 9/17/09
Since I will be "out of commission" tomorrow, I am posting my weekly video today.
This video is from Jake and my new favorite TV show, Glee. It's a show about a group of students who are in Glee club and therefore, at the bottom of the proverbial high school food chain. Believe me I've been there, so I can completely relate to these kids since that was me in junior high rather than high school.
The video is of Rachel (low-man in HS totem pole since in Glee club) singing "Take a Bow" by Rihanna after she and love interest Finn (high school star football player) kiss and he runs off to girlfriend Quinn (head cheerleader and major biotch) and pretends like nothing happened. And yes, this is really her singing it. She has a beautiful voice.
This video is from Jake and my new favorite TV show, Glee. It's a show about a group of students who are in Glee club and therefore, at the bottom of the proverbial high school food chain. Believe me I've been there, so I can completely relate to these kids since that was me in junior high rather than high school.
The video is of Rachel (low-man in HS totem pole since in Glee club) singing "Take a Bow" by Rihanna after she and love interest Finn (high school star football player) kiss and he runs off to girlfriend Quinn (head cheerleader and major biotch) and pretends like nothing happened. And yes, this is really her singing it. She has a beautiful voice.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
T-minus 2 days
In 48 hours, I'll be in the oral surgeon's chair getting all kinds of sleepy-time drugs so they can rip my teeth out. That's the stuff of nightmares right there.
I'm not so much scared, but more nervous. Of course these days, I'm counting all these procedures as practice for giving birth. I've had blood tests, IUIs, good news, bad news, and now my first IV and being put to sleep (if God forbid I need an emergency c-section). I'm counting all this as minor experience so I know what to a degree.
I'm also thinking this is probably like the tattoos. Everyone says it's horrible, the pain...oh the pain. And for me it might not be that bad? Tolerable? My parents have decided they will come up Friday to watch over me while Jake is at work for the rest of the day. I'm sure it'll get to the point where I'll wake up in my own bed from a very long nap and think " did I get here? Last thing I remember is being at the doctor's office". I'm fully expecting a surreal and moderately painful experience. But I know this is another thing I have to do to get myself ready for all that is to come. I just wish I wasn't so nervous.
I'm not so much scared, but more nervous. Of course these days, I'm counting all these procedures as practice for giving birth. I've had blood tests, IUIs, good news, bad news, and now my first IV and being put to sleep (if God forbid I need an emergency c-section). I'm counting all this as minor experience so I know what to a degree.
I'm also thinking this is probably like the tattoos. Everyone says it's horrible, the pain...oh the pain. And for me it might not be that bad? Tolerable? My parents have decided they will come up Friday to watch over me while Jake is at work for the rest of the day. I'm sure it'll get to the point where I'll wake up in my own bed from a very long nap and think " did I get here? Last thing I remember is being at the doctor's office". I'm fully expecting a surreal and moderately painful experience. But I know this is another thing I have to do to get myself ready for all that is to come. I just wish I wasn't so nervous.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Boilermaker Tailgate Chili
Well, football season has officially commenced....with a win by the 49ers I might add! Woohoo!! So to start off the season right, and because of the strange and rainy weather we were having this past weekend, I decided to make the ultimate gameday delight/rainy day comfort food: Chili. This isn't just any chili...oh no...this is Boilermaker Tailgate Chili. It's the chili Purdue football fans make at Purdue's football games. Now normally, I'm not a big chili fan...but this was oooooh yummy. Jake was speechless it was so good.
Boilermaker Tailgate Chili
12 servings
Prep Time: 30 min
Cook Time: 2 hours
Ready in: 2 hours 30 mins
2 pounds ground beef chuck
1 pound bulk Italian sausage
3 (15oz) cans chili beans, drained
1 (15oz) can chili beans in spicy/zesty sauce
2 (28oz) cans diced tomatoes with juice
1 (6oz) can tomato paste
1 large yellow onion, chopped
2 stalks celery, chopped
1 green bell pepper, seeded and chopped
1 red bell pepper, seeded and chopped
2 green chile peppers, seeded and chopped
1 tbsp bacon bits
4 cubes beef buillion
1/2 cup beer
1/4 cup chili powder
1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tbsp minced garlic
1 tbsp dried oregano
2 tsps ground cumin
2 tsps hot pepper sauce (e.g. Tabasco sauce)
1 tsp dried basil
1 tsp salt
1 tsp ground black pepper
1 tsp cayenne pepper
1 tsp white sugar
1 (10.5oz) bag of corn chips like Fritos
1 (8oz) package shredded Cheddar cheese
1. Heat a large stock pot over medium-high heat. Crumble the ground chuck and sausage into the hot pan, and cook until evenly browned. Drain off excess grease.
2. Pour in the chili beans, spicy chili beans, diced tomatoes and tomato paste. Add the onion, celery, green and red bell peppers, chile peppers, bacon bits, bouillon, and beer. Season with chili powder, Worcestershire sauce, garlic, oregano, cumin, hot pepper sauce, basil, salt, pepper, cayenne, paprika, and sugar. Stir to blend, then cover and simmer over low heat for at least 2 hours, stirring occasionally.
3. After 2 hours, taste, and adjust salt, pepper, and chili powder if necessary. The longer the chili simmers, the better it will taste. Remove from heat and serve, or refrigerate, and serve the next day.
4. To serve, ladle into bowls, and top with corn chips and shredded Cheddar cheese.

Photo courtesy of username: Scuba Steve from
Sunday, September 13, 2009
TTC Update
I was taking Medproxyprogesterone to get AF when I wasn't able to in order to take the Clomid to ovulate and do the IUIs.
A few months ago, it was decided that I would start taking Metformin 500mg to adjust my blood sugar levels because of my Insulin Resistance caused by my PCOS was possibly blocking my eggs from developing appropriately. About 3 weeks later, I took a blood test, with no changes in my glucose levels. Bummer. So I spoke to my PCP and he prescribed that I take 1000mg a day instead and take another test. I did, and my glucose levels were within the normal range they should be as if I didn't have Insulin Resistance. (see other post below). Waiting for the Metformin to take effect was hard for me because it wasn't necessarily a step backward, but it was a stand still. I went through it knowing I was doing what was best for my future child. I have a wonderful new OBGYN who is really looking out for me, and who am I to be selfish and TTC anyways and possibly endanger the life of my future baby? Insulin Resistance is a cause of Diabetes which is directly linked to preventable birth defects in fetuses.
So after the test results came back, I was ready to start again. With my OBGYN's permission, Jake and I would try for one cycle one our own and then one cycle with an IUI for timing reasons. So I took the Medproxyprogesterone that was prescribed by my former OBGYN, for 10 tens as instructed. Nothing happened. I called my doctor and he said to take some HPTs and if nothing showed up within 2 weeks of the last day I took the last pill, I was to call him and he would order a blood pregnancy test. If that came out negative, he would prescribe a different form of Progesterone and increase my dosage of Clomid since I had been on 100mg for a while and nothing seemed to be happening. Now with the Metformin and losing a few pounds, I was on my way to really giving this the greatest shot I'd been able to give it since we started.
Yesterday, I went in for my blood test. When I asked the phlebotomist (I call them vampires) when I would get the results, she said normally within 2-3 days but since it was so slow for them yesterday I should check tomorrow (meaning today). So Jake and I went out, came home and I pushed my luck and checked for the results yesterday, no luck. This morning when I woke up the first thing I checked was for my results: Negative. It was what I suspected the results would be given I had taken 3 HPTs and all were negative. I would've been more worried if the blood test had come up positive. So yesterday while at the hospital, I also got my prescription just in case and voila! I'm going to start taking it today...for 10 days. Now all I have to do is get the medicine going, survive through my "surgery" Friday (5 days and counting), handle the recovery well, get AF and do this right. I've purchased a real BBT thermometer, we're going to reset the CBEFM and I'm going to get some OPKs. We're going to time the heck out of this. In the meantime, I've purchased a DVD: Walking at Home by Leslie Sansone. It really helps me. I'm also doing my Physical Therapy exercises to build my core muscle and help my back heal more.
So there you have it. That's where we are. I've got such hope, and I've been praying more than ever before in recent weeks. I'm so glad to FINALLY have a doctor who really cares about not only my wanting to have a child, but he also wants me to have it the right way...the healthy way.
A few months ago, it was decided that I would start taking Metformin 500mg to adjust my blood sugar levels because of my Insulin Resistance caused by my PCOS was possibly blocking my eggs from developing appropriately. About 3 weeks later, I took a blood test, with no changes in my glucose levels. Bummer. So I spoke to my PCP and he prescribed that I take 1000mg a day instead and take another test. I did, and my glucose levels were within the normal range they should be as if I didn't have Insulin Resistance. (see other post below). Waiting for the Metformin to take effect was hard for me because it wasn't necessarily a step backward, but it was a stand still. I went through it knowing I was doing what was best for my future child. I have a wonderful new OBGYN who is really looking out for me, and who am I to be selfish and TTC anyways and possibly endanger the life of my future baby? Insulin Resistance is a cause of Diabetes which is directly linked to preventable birth defects in fetuses.
So after the test results came back, I was ready to start again. With my OBGYN's permission, Jake and I would try for one cycle one our own and then one cycle with an IUI for timing reasons. So I took the Medproxyprogesterone that was prescribed by my former OBGYN, for 10 tens as instructed. Nothing happened. I called my doctor and he said to take some HPTs and if nothing showed up within 2 weeks of the last day I took the last pill, I was to call him and he would order a blood pregnancy test. If that came out negative, he would prescribe a different form of Progesterone and increase my dosage of Clomid since I had been on 100mg for a while and nothing seemed to be happening. Now with the Metformin and losing a few pounds, I was on my way to really giving this the greatest shot I'd been able to give it since we started.
Yesterday, I went in for my blood test. When I asked the phlebotomist (I call them vampires) when I would get the results, she said normally within 2-3 days but since it was so slow for them yesterday I should check tomorrow (meaning today). So Jake and I went out, came home and I pushed my luck and checked for the results yesterday, no luck. This morning when I woke up the first thing I checked was for my results: Negative. It was what I suspected the results would be given I had taken 3 HPTs and all were negative. I would've been more worried if the blood test had come up positive. So yesterday while at the hospital, I also got my prescription just in case and voila! I'm going to start taking it today...for 10 days. Now all I have to do is get the medicine going, survive through my "surgery" Friday (5 days and counting), handle the recovery well, get AF and do this right. I've purchased a real BBT thermometer, we're going to reset the CBEFM and I'm going to get some OPKs. We're going to time the heck out of this. In the meantime, I've purchased a DVD: Walking at Home by Leslie Sansone. It really helps me. I'm also doing my Physical Therapy exercises to build my core muscle and help my back heal more.
So there you have it. That's where we are. I've got such hope, and I've been praying more than ever before in recent weeks. I'm so glad to FINALLY have a doctor who really cares about not only my wanting to have a child, but he also wants me to have it the right way...the healthy way.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Weekly video 9/11/09
Today is the 8-year anniversary of the terror attacks on the USA. Being one who loves my country, I can remember exactly what I was doing that day. I was a senior in high school on my way to school with my Dad when my mom called asking if I was OK. I didn't know what had happened until I got to school and spoke with my classmates.
I wanted to put a comber video for today, but I also remember that we need to not dwell on the past, but rather live for the future. This is true with any aspect of our lives. So, I am posting a video of one of my favorite songs. It's the story of a parent promising their child that everything will be alright, as long as you have faith and trust in those who love you.
Queensryche - Silent Lucidity
I wanted to put a comber video for today, but I also remember that we need to not dwell on the past, but rather live for the future. This is true with any aspect of our lives. So, I am posting a video of one of my favorite songs. It's the story of a parent promising their child that everything will be alright, as long as you have faith and trust in those who love you.
Queensryche - Silent Lucidity
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Labor Day and countdown continues
10 days and counting until my wisdom teeth come out. The day is growing very near very quickly. I'm starting to come to terms with the fact that this needs to happen. As much as I'm nervous about scalpels and swelling, I know I will be doing my mouth and my health a world of good by getting this overwith. I just hope the recovery doesn't kick my butt too hard.
Labor Day weekend has come and gone. Where has the year gone? Seriously. It felt like last week that we were celebrating Valentine's Day...and now we're already into Fall!? Speaking of Fall, Starbucks has officially begun its Pumpkin Spice Latte ad campaign. Yummy. Unfortunately, I am doing my best to cut out as much caffeine as possible while Jake and I are trying to have a baby. I guess I can get it you have me thinking. ;)
Anyways, here is what Jake and I did this weekend. It's boring, but I felt like writing.
Friday: Got off work, went home and changed my pants for shopping (I like to be comfy). Picked up Jake, went to Luckys for our grocery shopping. Store was E.M.P.T.Y. No people. None. We were 2 of about 10 people not including employees in the entire store. It was eery but it made shopping fly by. Went home, unloaded groceries, watched TV until bedtime.
Saturday: Date night. Jake and I haven't had a date night in a loooooong time. We went to Red Lobster (in Vallejo) and a movie...District 9. My first time seeing it, Jake's 2nd. I liked it a lot. It was a sad story, but definitely one that makes you think. Instead of humans being the destroyed species and then coming back victorious, we were the assholes. I'm sorry to cuss in my blog, but that's exactly what we were...assholes. I won't give the story away, but it made me realize that we aren't always the victims. We can be the offenders too.
Sunday: Sailing! I'd never been sailing. Jake and I took Dramamine for precautions. It wasn't a big sail, just putt-putting around the SF Bay. I steered the boat for about an hour, and I learned about sailing etiquette, terminology and how to work together as a team to make sure you make back to the marina in one piece. We saw sea lions, pelicans diving for food, many birds and porpoises! We sailed for 6 and a half hours. It was but exhausting. We got home and I forced (yes, forced) myself to make dinner. After I had a bit or two, I went straight to bed. I slept for 12 hours straight (9pm to 9am Monday morning).
Monday: Woke up to Jake doing his presentation for his Psych class. He had a meeting with his debate group in Concord. Made breakfast and Jake left for his meeting. I did laundry. All. Day. Long. It was wonderful, and I mean that sincerely. I watched a marathon of SuperNanny and the cats took a looooong nap. Lazy day. Jake came home early and we did the dishes together. Tried to watch Fast Food Nation, but had to turn it off. Horrible movie. I don't recommend it. Jake BBQ'd and I did the corn. Had dinner, watched TV. Went to bed.
Uneventful weekend except for the sailing, and even though it was 3 days long it was still too short. We need a vacation. Badly.
Labor Day weekend has come and gone. Where has the year gone? Seriously. It felt like last week that we were celebrating Valentine's Day...and now we're already into Fall!? Speaking of Fall, Starbucks has officially begun its Pumpkin Spice Latte ad campaign. Yummy. Unfortunately, I am doing my best to cut out as much caffeine as possible while Jake and I are trying to have a baby. I guess I can get it you have me thinking. ;)
Anyways, here is what Jake and I did this weekend. It's boring, but I felt like writing.
Friday: Got off work, went home and changed my pants for shopping (I like to be comfy). Picked up Jake, went to Luckys for our grocery shopping. Store was E.M.P.T.Y. No people. None. We were 2 of about 10 people not including employees in the entire store. It was eery but it made shopping fly by. Went home, unloaded groceries, watched TV until bedtime.
Saturday: Date night. Jake and I haven't had a date night in a loooooong time. We went to Red Lobster (in Vallejo) and a movie...District 9. My first time seeing it, Jake's 2nd. I liked it a lot. It was a sad story, but definitely one that makes you think. Instead of humans being the destroyed species and then coming back victorious, we were the assholes. I'm sorry to cuss in my blog, but that's exactly what we were...assholes. I won't give the story away, but it made me realize that we aren't always the victims. We can be the offenders too.
Sunday: Sailing! I'd never been sailing. Jake and I took Dramamine for precautions. It wasn't a big sail, just putt-putting around the SF Bay. I steered the boat for about an hour, and I learned about sailing etiquette, terminology and how to work together as a team to make sure you make back to the marina in one piece. We saw sea lions, pelicans diving for food, many birds and porpoises! We sailed for 6 and a half hours. It was but exhausting. We got home and I forced (yes, forced) myself to make dinner. After I had a bit or two, I went straight to bed. I slept for 12 hours straight (9pm to 9am Monday morning).
Monday: Woke up to Jake doing his presentation for his Psych class. He had a meeting with his debate group in Concord. Made breakfast and Jake left for his meeting. I did laundry. All. Day. Long. It was wonderful, and I mean that sincerely. I watched a marathon of SuperNanny and the cats took a looooong nap. Lazy day. Jake came home early and we did the dishes together. Tried to watch Fast Food Nation, but had to turn it off. Horrible movie. I don't recommend it. Jake BBQ'd and I did the corn. Had dinner, watched TV. Went to bed.
Uneventful weekend except for the sailing, and even though it was 3 days long it was still too short. We need a vacation. Badly.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Weekly video 9/4/09
This week's video is an oldie, but a hilariously funny one. It's from America's Got Talent and I've wanted to post it for a while.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Garlic Lemon Shrimp and Orzo with Broccoli
I know I haven't posted a recipe in a while, my apologies. Last night, Jake and I decided to try something new to add variety to our weekly menus. I came across the following recipe from a blog I follow, Cooking This and That. Jake and I found it to be satisfying (not filling) and light enough to not feel bogged down by heavy ingredients.
Garlic Lemon Shrimp and Orzo with Broccoli
slightly adapted from Dinners for a Year and Beyond
Makes 2-3 servings
1 cup orzo
1 broccoli crown, cut into bite-sized pieces
1 tablespoon olive oil
1/2 medium onion, diced
2 garlic cloves, minced
1/2 lemon, juiced and zested
1/2 cup white wine or chicken broth
kosher salt and coarse ground black pepper, to taste
scant tablespoon butter
about 1 pound of large shrimp, peeled and deveined
2-3 tablespoons parsley, chopped
1/3 cup Parmesan cheese, grated
Bring a medium saucepan of water to a boil, add orzo and cook until al dente, 8-9 minutes.
During last 2 minutes of cooking, add broccoli to the pasta water. Drain orzo and broccoli, set aside.
In large saute pan, heat olive oil over medium-high heat. Add onions and cook until soft and translucent, about 5-6 minutes. Add garlic and cook for another minute.Add lemon juice, zest, and wine/broth to saute pan. Bring to boil and then reduce heat; simmer for 2-3 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Stir in butter and stir until melted.
Add shrimp to saute pan, cook until pink and cooked through, 4-5 minutes. Add orzo and broccoli, parsley, and Parmesan cheese to shrimp mixture; toss gently to combine. Serve immediately.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Wisdom teeth...the countdown begins!
Yesterday I went for my consultation to have my wisdom teeth removed. I've heard some pretty bad horror stories of wisdom teeth extraction, so I'm REALLY nervous.
I went in and filled out a survey of my health history. Then I was taken into the office and had a complete x-ray taken of my entire mouth. When that was done, they were waiting for an exam room, so they took me into the "recovery room" and made me watch a DVD on how to understand the wisdom teeth, and how the surgery will go. After that, I was lead into the "exam room" they had left which was the actual surgery room. Oh. My. God. I got to sit in the scariest exam chair ever. It was like a hybrid...half dentist chair, half gurney. I was fully expecting to see those straps they bind your hands and feet with at the loony bin, ya know? Then I met my surgeon...Dr. Doucet. Very nice man...big bluish green eyes. Definitely the type I can see ripping my teeth out of my mouth as a hobby. Just kidding.
We went over my x-rays and I found that even though I was lead to believe all my wisdom teeth were "severely" impacted, that wasn't the case. The two top teeth were fully exposed and had grown through nicely, which will make for easy extraction with no incisions. It will be like taking a regular tooth out...just WAY back in my mouth. Whew... The bottom two were a slightly different story. The lower left is impacted and growing forward towards my chin, but the side is peeking out the top of the gums, which will make it easier and a small incision will be needed. The right bottome however, is completely impacted, with a small amount peeking through, but the tooth itself is growing towards my sideways, and out. Wierd. Nothing can ever be easy with would be too...well...easy. I discussed my anethesia options, and given that I've never had surgery before, never broken a bone, never been in a hospital, I've got some anxiety about the whole thing. He suggested full sedation for me. He said the whole process will take about 30-40 minutes and I'll feel like it was 2 minutes.
I'm going to follow the doctor's instructions perfectly because my biggest fear is getting a dry socket. I don't think I could handle that. Once I'm done with this surgery, I want to be DONE...D-O-N-E. My surgery is scheduled for Friday September 18th. it's 17 days and counting...anyone have any valium? :)
I went in and filled out a survey of my health history. Then I was taken into the office and had a complete x-ray taken of my entire mouth. When that was done, they were waiting for an exam room, so they took me into the "recovery room" and made me watch a DVD on how to understand the wisdom teeth, and how the surgery will go. After that, I was lead into the "exam room" they had left which was the actual surgery room. Oh. My. God. I got to sit in the scariest exam chair ever. It was like a hybrid...half dentist chair, half gurney. I was fully expecting to see those straps they bind your hands and feet with at the loony bin, ya know? Then I met my surgeon...Dr. Doucet. Very nice man...big bluish green eyes. Definitely the type I can see ripping my teeth out of my mouth as a hobby. Just kidding.
We went over my x-rays and I found that even though I was lead to believe all my wisdom teeth were "severely" impacted, that wasn't the case. The two top teeth were fully exposed and had grown through nicely, which will make for easy extraction with no incisions. It will be like taking a regular tooth out...just WAY back in my mouth. Whew... The bottom two were a slightly different story. The lower left is impacted and growing forward towards my chin, but the side is peeking out the top of the gums, which will make it easier and a small incision will be needed. The right bottome however, is completely impacted, with a small amount peeking through, but the tooth itself is growing towards my sideways, and out. Wierd. Nothing can ever be easy with would be too...well...easy. I discussed my anethesia options, and given that I've never had surgery before, never broken a bone, never been in a hospital, I've got some anxiety about the whole thing. He suggested full sedation for me. He said the whole process will take about 30-40 minutes and I'll feel like it was 2 minutes.
I'm going to follow the doctor's instructions perfectly because my biggest fear is getting a dry socket. I don't think I could handle that. Once I'm done with this surgery, I want to be DONE...D-O-N-E. My surgery is scheduled for Friday September 18th. it's 17 days and counting...anyone have any valium? :)
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