Monday, June 22, 2009

Frustration at it's finest

I just got a call from my OBGYN (my new one). Last week when I had my fasting blood glucose test done, and the results came in. My levels have gone down some, but not too much; not enough to make a difference in prognosis.

He advised that I stop trying to get pregnant for the time being and concentrate on regulating my diabetes (for lack of a better word). I have an appointment with my PCP tomorrow afternoon to discuss and get a prescription for a diabetic regulatory medication. When my blood tests come back with a more normal outcome, I can begin fertility treatments again. He also mentioned that diabetes is a leading cause of birth defects and he wants me to do something about it now rather than later when it's too late. I agree with him.

In the midst of this conversation and having to deal with the fact that more time will go by while I'm not pregnant, or even trying, he said 5 words that brought tears to my eyes. "I'll take care of you". I could've jumped through the phone and given him a huge hug, it gave me that much comfort.

I'm a little sad that I'll have to stop actively trying for a bit, but I'm more frustrated than anything. I feel the past year+ has been wasted. With the proper treatment, Jake and I could've been pregnant or parents by now. I feel like I've been kicked in the shins. This is another obstacle I must overcome, but in the end seeing our baby's smiling face will make it all worth while.

I keep telling myself to just keep breathing deeply. It will all be OK...I hope.

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