Monday, June 8, 2009

3 days left

3 days until the determining factor if this cycle worked or not.

I have, of course, been doing the "paranoid seeking" that I promised myself I wouldn't do. I keep thinking ever stomach grumble, every little twinge, cramp, noise, feeling, whatever is the absolute deciding factor if I'm pregnant or not. At this point, it's possible that implantation hasn't even happened yet. I couldn't help but think a few things this weekend that would help or deter a pregnancy. I mean it's pretty sad when you're thinking when you're sitting in the living room folding laundry "I'm sitting down, is this position of my body cutting off circulation to the baby?" Ugh...I need to stop. I love the fantasy of it, and would love it even more if it becomes a reality for us this month, but at the same time...I don't want to get my hopes up too much if the test is negative.

Waiting sucks.

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