Thursday, October 2, 2008

It's official

Clomid 50mg did not work. I had a blood test done yesterday and I got the results this morning.

I'm trying not to take this hard, but it's tough to not do so. I was so sure this would work. I know there is higher doses of Clomid that have a better run of working for women with PCOS, but it's still tough to take that a degree of the medication didn't work.

This has been a tough road for me. I've been having to come to some very hard realizations about myself in this. When I was first diagnosed, I didn't really understand the extent of what this disease would have on me. I know that PCOS is sometimes loosely diagnosed, but I actually HAVE PCOS. I have some of the classic symptoms of it.

This next cycle, Jake and I have decided to do an IUI. My prescription of Clomid will be higher than this past cycle and we purchased the CBEFM (Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor).

I've been trying not to get too upset, but I finally let it get to me on Sunday morning while at my parents' house. I needed a good cry, and I needed to let out all the frustration, anger, and sadness that I had been holding in.

I just hope this next cycle will work for us.

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