Thursday, June 14, 2012


I sit here, writing today with sore thighs, and sore hips...and sore shins (hey, let's be honest).

I had posted a few months ago about wanting to get healthy for the sake of Scarlett and my life. Well, I was all gung ho about it as I usually am when I start planning a big change. But, all to soon, the sparkle started to fade and life got in the way. Soon, I was back to my old ways although I was keeping the "be healthy" mentality in my mind. After a while I noticed that my tummy was starting to grow in a way that was by no means feminine, or healthy. And, no, I'm not pregnant.

So I started to talk to my sister in law, who also has been struggling with her weight since she had her second child. We made a plan where we would walk early in the mornings so we at least got some exercise in. Then Jake decided he wanted in on it, as well as my mother in law. For Jake and I, this posed a problem - the baby. Who would watch her? So we decided to make it work for our little family and alternate mornings, so someone is always with the baby at the house while the other is walking with MIL and SIL. So yesterday was my first at-home day and I decided to try some beginners yoga. It's...interesting.

So far, we're three days into it and I'm hoping along with the walking with my MIL and SIL, that this blog will help keep my accountable.

So our goal (both Jake and I) is to lose 30 pounds each by Christmas. It's totally doable and I feel it's a goal where it's not too aggressive to not achieve, but substantial enough to make a difference. I'll try to check in at least every 7-10 days.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Anna said...

Awesome goal. Good luck! You will feel so proud of yourself. Keep it up :)