Sunday, November 9, 2008

3 days left

3 days left and I can technically take a HPT (home pregnancy test). I don't think I will though. I'm going for my progesterone and blood pregnancy test this week.

I'm also having the biphasic shift in my basal body temp. Only 8-9 more days it needs to stay up to show that temperature-wise, I'm pregnant. There are all these signs I need to look out for now, and I'm so afraid things will go haywire and I'll have a possible pregnancy yanked away from me.

The Chinese Gender chart says with my age and October being our conception month, we're predicted to have a boy. Honestly, I'd love having a boy.

OK, must not get ahead of myself. I just need to get through to the 18th. That's D-day for me (day of missed menses). I'm getting excited. One more day that passes where my BBT stays high and I don't get Aunt Flo is one more day this is a possibility.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*HUGS* Just hang in there! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!