Sunday, October 10, 2010

So...I owe you...

an apology. I know there are many readers who are dying to know what the heck is going on with me, Jake, school, work, and of course, the baby.

Things are fine. I'm having my NT scan tomorrow morning at 8:30am which checks my chances for the baby having Downs Syndrome. I'm also having my 1st trimester blood screening for Cystic Fibrosis. I have opted for the blood screenings, but do not want to have the amniocentesis, or any other procedure unless both the doctors and I see that it's necessary.

So, I know I posted after my last ultrasound that we were to find out the baby's sex the Monday after Thanksgiving. Well, shortly after that blog was posted, I called Radiology and asked if they could move my appointment to either the Monday or Wednesday before since Jake insists on being there for every single appointment (which I love having him there). So they fit me in at 2pm on Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving. So, that means we'll be able to tell our families face to face, like we've wanted, over the holiday weekend. :)

I've also caved and bought my first pairs of maternity pants. I bought two pairs of jeans, a black pair of pants and a gray pair of pants (for work). I must say as soon as I tried them on, I was in love. I mean, why can't they make pants *this* comfortable for people who AREN'T pregnant? It's crazy! I also bought two shirts. One I can wear now, and one I'll have to wait on because at this point, the shirt still looks like a tent.

Tomorrow will be one month until Jake and I go to Texas to visit Jake's Dad and Step-Mom. I can't wait. They've constantly been checking in with Jake to see how I'm doing and they're really excited to see the baby bump. I wish we could tell them what the baby's sex is, but it is what it is and they understand the timing.

Anyways, I promise I will update everyone tomorrow after the NT scan and hopefully we'll have more updated ultrasound pictures of the baby to share. Wish me luck!


Megan :) said...

OMGosh Laurel...I am just soooo stinkin' excited for you guys!!!

You will have to call me to tell me the sex cause I won't be there this year for Thanksgiving. :(

Hey, are we still on for peppermint bark this year? If so, I will see your beautiful baby bump then...or at Christmas. ;) YAY!

BTW...never heard of an NT ultrasound...only the AFP test. I had the AFP blood test with both boys and both came back normal. Is the NT testing new? Or for high risk pregnancies? Just curious. :)

I have a friend at MOPS that has 3 kids...she chose not to do the AFP screening with the 3rd, because she was young and healthy and her first two were perfectly healthy, and her little girl has Spina Bifida. She's an adorable ball of sunshine, but will never walk. So it's better to be safe than sorry...that way you can plan for any special needs if neccessary.

I am praying for a healthy pregnancy and baby!! Sooooooo excited for you!!!! God is good. ;)

Anonymous said...

Oooh Lots of luck!! I am so excited to find out the sex! Do you have any feelings about it being one way or the other?

My guess is for team blue!