Monday, October 11, 2010

NT Scan

So, as promised, I am updating with the NT scan and pictures of the peach. That's right...the baby is now the size of a peach!

The test had to be performed in Oakland, since that is where the nearest Kaiser Genetics department is. We went in, and the show was on the road. I was given a mirror to watch the ultrasound because the tech had to have full view of the screen (which I totally understand). I noticed the baby wasn't moving too much and I asked her what was going on. She said it appeared that our little one was just taking a nap...I was jealous. She did say that she was going to be moving and pushing, so he/she would wake up and move. Apparently, the baby was in a reclined position with it's feet propped up against the uterine wall. What a life! We got to see everything...the spine, the face, ribs, legs (every bone), feet, hands, but no "bits" yet. We're saving that one for a later date. ;) (no, we didn't find out).

The baby has apparently inherited my stubbornness because it wouldn't cooperate and lay flat to take the NT measurements. So I was made to walk up and down the halls for about 5-7 minutes and then we tried again. The second time, it was OK for about 5 minutes, then the baby went back to it's comfy reclined position. Ugh. So the baby did end up moving enough to take the measurements, and I'll get the results in about a week.

So...here are pictures!

The profile

The baby's face and belly (face is to the left, belly to the right)
Note: I said it looks like an alien, Jake says it looks like Venom from SpiderMan

1 comment:

Megan :) said...

I love, love, love the US pics!!!! The little profile is ADORABLE.
I can't wait to meet the little Smithling. :)
Oh, and please keep us updated with all the test results too!