Thursday, February 2, 2012

WW Weigh-In 1/28/12

Despite being tired and not in the mood to go to the meeting, Jake and I weighed in and sat through the meeting anyways. We hadn't been following the plan barely at all and knew we had gained. So here's the damage:

Gained/lost this week: +.4lbs

Total weight loss so far (starting 1/14/12): -3.8lbs.

Seeing that I had gained and I had given myself permission to fall off the wagon this week gave Jake and I new appreciation for the task we've undertaken and a renewal of determination. So we trekked right over to Trader Joe's next to the WW we go to and stocked up on yummy, wholesome snacks. I tried Greek Yogurt for the first time, and it isn't bad. I chose pomegranate as my first flavor, and it was a little overpowering. Jake says the blueberry tastes better, so I'll see. I also discovered their Super Spinach salad and had it yesterday for lunch - spinach with quinoa, pumpkin seeds, dried cranberries, carrots, edamame with a ginger/miso dressing. It was sooooo good.

Our next weigh in is Saturday 2/4. We've been pretty good about following the plan and have been packing all of our lunches, breakfasts and making more effort into nutritious dinners even though we're tired. We're having a Super Bowl party this weekend, and Jake is determined to have hotwings. I'm allowing myself to have a few, but not go whole hog. I'm going to stock up on the veggie tray and cracker/cheese platter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the next weigh in will be better! Good luck with the party!