Thursday, August 19, 2010

Texas Bound!

Today Jake and I purchased our flight tickets to see his Dad in Texas in mid-November. I'm always excited to go. I enjoy my father-in-law and step-mother-in-law's company. They're very laid back, relaxed people which is what Jake and I need around us. No stress. This time will be special because I will be about 18 weeks along when we go.

Texas two years ago with Flea, one of my in-law's 6 dogs

Our flight is at 10am out of San Francisco, so we're going to take BART early in the morning alllll the way down. I've never been on BART during commute hours, so this will be an adventure from the stories I've heard.

Update: No morning sickness yet. I've felt a little lightheaded and have had a feeling at the base of my throat that felt a *tiny* bit like I might...ya know. But nope, nothing yet. I'm waiting (im)patiently for our first ultrasound. I can't wait to see our baby's heartbeat. I've been feeling pretty tired and usually fall asleep around 9pm, when I used to stay up until 11 or so. I've heard some horror stories about morning sickness, so I'm waiting for the monster to rear it's ugly head.

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