Monday, August 23, 2010

Can't wait to say "Hello"

Jake has taken to talking to our little one, even though he/she can't hear yet. In one week precisely, we will be able to see our little Smithling for the first time. I can't wait. To be able to see our baby's heart beat will no doubt make me cry. I will go prepared with a package of tissue.

In other news, Jake has passed his head cold onto moi. It's nothing huge. I'm just congested (which I hate the most about being sick) and I'm sneezing, and have a sore throat. Luckily there is a list (albeit, it's pretty tiny) of OTC medicines I can take, like Robitussin, Afrin and throat lozenges. Oh happy day for me, huh?


Megan :) said...

Oh no. I'm sooo sorry! Welcome to pegnancy 101...can't take anything when you're sick. Ugh. You just gotta suffer through it. Being preggo and sick is the worst! Praying you will get better quickly!!

Angel said...

I loved the list... so, what can I take, ah, my trusty list. It really comes in handy all nine months. Wow, next week you get to hear the heartbeat! It's really amazing! Sorry you have a head cold though, bummer. Well of course plenty of rest and fluids is a must, especially now. Get better soon and keep us updated on hearing the heartbeat! <3