Monday, February 8, 2010

The Weight Crusade

Pretty much everyone who reads this blog (I love you all!) knows I've struggled with weight for pretty much my entire life. It's been quite an adventure for me. I've done Slim Fast, Hydroxycut, some pill in a teal bottle with a black cap (I forget the name), and 3 bouts with Weight Watchers. All ending in me giving up. I've had very motivated moments, some of which are documented on this blog and others I've kept to myself.

I was told by my RE that I needed to lose about 11-14% of my weight, which would help alleviate the PCOS and possibly help me spontaneously ovulate on my own. I tried and failed to lose weight for my wedding, for my whole life, and I'd failed miserably. Even when I see pictures of myself from the wedding, I'm pretty disgusted with myself. So I decided to make a change. I would lose the weight for myself, but more for the baby that's waiting for me to get off my butt and become the person I need to be to become a mother.

Jake wanted to try NutriSystem. I'm not a fan. My logic is this: what happens if NutriSystem doesn't work? Or goes out of business? Or causes medical problems because of the chemicalized food? In the end, you'll still have to deal with REAL FOOD. I'd rather deal with the real thing straight off and not worry about having to keep up with the cost of the food in tiny packages that tastes like cardboard. So, we decided to do this together.

So far, as of today, I've lost 7.5 pounds. And that's WITH yesterday's Super Bowl fiesta. I just hope that with trying to make myself accountable with this blog, I don't feel extra pressure to get this done. I want to be like Julie Powell (from Julie & Julia), finally finishing something in my life. With this journey will come some new recipes which I hope to share.


Megan :) said...

I'm with ya girl! I know it doesn't look like it, but I need to lose like 35-40 lbs. Ugh. I've lost about 8 or so already, so that means that I really needed to lose more around 50 lbs all together.
With cooking...I've learned to substitute. I am a mayo girl...first I tried the new mayo made with Olive Oil...didn't get any weight off, then I finally had to ditch the mayo all together. Mustard is my new best friend!! ZERO calories in mustard. :)
Also had to ditch butter...I still use it in baking, but if a recipie calls for it I try to find another one similar.
Oh and instead of full cream cheese I use that Neufchatel Cheese. Mmmm. Lower in calories and fat...no regrets there!
Anywho, hope this helps? LOVE YOU!!

Anonymous said...

You can do it, Lolo. I know a girl who's family did Nutrisystem for the last several years and are still on it. It seems to work for their lifestyle, so I wouldn't discount it just because you think it may taste bad or go out of business. I think the idea is to learn to eat in smaller portions using their method.

Anyway, congrats on the weight loss! I know it's hard, I've had a private struggle with this my entire life and more recently since I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2008. It's terrible and awful but completely do-able. I hope you keep up with the blog, I think holding yourself accountable is the hardest part.

Also, if you haven't already, I would check out www.sparkpeople.com. It's really helped me keep track of exactly what I am putting into my body.