Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ash Wednesday

I am not Catholic...well, not fully. I was baptized in the Catholic faith and married in a Catholic church. I feel comfortable in the Catholic church and know *some* of the motions/movements during mass. I've only taken Communion once, and it was out of respect for my grandmother at her funeral. I do not eat meat on Good Friday, and I do practice Lent (or try too). I have never had the ash cross placed on my forehead for Ash Wednesday. I'm thinking of going to Mass tonight.

As for Lent, I try to give something up that is near and dear to me. For the past 3-4 years, I've tried to give up fast food, which I regrettably fail at. I always slip. This year, I plan to fulfill my promise to give of myself for God and Jesus' sacrifices.

I will try to catalog my 40 days and 40 nights as I know any sacrifice has it's ups and downs. I'm also hoping that with this sacrifice comes getting over my addiction to french fries (yeah right) and losing even more weight to get healthier for Jake and my future child.

By the way...hi Cheekygirl and Cala! ;)

1 comment:

Mrs. T said...

hi! (from Cala)
Also, you mentioned that you are baptized and have taken communion once. Just for your info- technically in a Catholic church you are not supposed to take communion unless you've gone through the class for first communion. Most other churches allow everyone to take communion, but not Catholics.