Monday, May 18, 2009

Super Sausage Gravy w/ Buttermilk Biscuits

I have recently begun to fully appreciate the classic comfort-food breakfast known as sausage and country gravy.

My first attempt at making this recipe was a tiny bit of a failure because I put way too much sausage in it, and let the gravy cook too long so it got REALLY thick. I've made the appropriate modifications below. Also, please keep in mind the buttermilk biscuits are from Pillsbury (I know, I know...shame on me, but I was pressed for time).

Original recipe compliments of allrecipes.com & Bob Evans

Super Sausage Gravy

1/2 lb Bob Evans (I used Farmer Johns) sausage roll
1/4 cup all-purpose flour, unsifted
2 cups milk
salt and black pepper to taste
8 prepared biscuits

Crumble and cook sausage in large skillet over medium to medium-high heat until browned to preference. Stir in flour until completely dissolved. Stir in milk. Cook gravy in skillet until bubbly. The longer you let it "bubble", the thicker the gravy will be. Pour gravy over biscuits and enjoy.
NOTE: The gravy is a little bland, so use the salt and pepper to taste as you desire.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yum! Good work-I always mess up when I make this.