Friday, May 8, 2009

It's hit me

It's hit me, and I'm not a happy LoLo right now.

It's hit me that I didn't get pregnant this cycle. I knew this feeling and day would come. I knew this would be the disappointment I'd feel when I knew it didn't work. Granted we didn't get the chance to do an IUI since we were in Texas, but still... Of course having an IUI doesn't guarantee a pregnancy, and there's still a small chance I might be but it doesn't feel that way.

This is the feeling I hate. This is the time I hate. I have officially 3 days until I get to test, but to me there's no use wasting the $30 for a HPT when I know what the result will be. I know this is a test of my faith and courage to forge ahead but it still sucks...and it sucks BIG TIME.

OK, I'll go hide under my bed covers now until the feeling passes.

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