Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Cat Fancy

A lot of people know Jake and I have three cats. The cats are kind of like our children. They eat, sleep and play with us. They are two brothers and a sister from the same litter. They all have their own distinct personalities...here's a summary:

NEEBS: Neebs is the largest cat of the three, and it the classic Alpha Male. He's also pretty fearless. Always the adventurer, Neebs likes to sneak out the front door while we're coming into the house. No matter who comes in the house, you better be prepared to be greeted by the brown tabby trotting up to you ready to sniff your pant legs and talk to you until you pet him. He's also the most laid back of the three. You can usually find him sleeping on Jake and my bed, or sitting in the window being teased by birds outside. He is leash trained and knows if he wants to "take a walk", he'll bring the leash to us. He also likes to drink from the

MJ: MJ is the orange tabby boy of the trio. He was injured about 3 years ago when one of Jake's swords fell on top of him. Needless to say, there hasn't been swords in the house since. He's a little skiddish, and is very shy unless he knows you VERY well. He's also a never-ending food disposal. If the food bowl is empty, or near empty, he's the first to let you know. He's a big foodie too, since whenever Jake and I sit down to have dinner, he's sitting right there, begging for tiny scraps of meat. His vises are being scratched on the haunches and little furry mice. MJ stands for Merlyn Junior. Merlyn was Jake's cat when he was a kid and MJ reminds him of that cat.

CHLOE: Chloe is the only girl, and the pudgiest of the three. She is the most cuddly, always looking for a warm spot to snuggle up against. She's the only cat I've ever know to NOT like fish. She's the most vocal of the cats, and loves to hold conversations with you if you let her. She also likes to be "roughed up", meaning she likes fast, firm pets and scratching. She has the loudest purr and is the only one who goes after carpet covered scratch posts. MJ is her buddy, as they've been inseparable since they were babies. She is the only one with brown spots in her eye, and shows the most evidence of being half brown and half orange tabby. She likes to be held like a cradled baby too.

I will post pics soon.

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