Wednesday, March 16, 2011


For the past few weeks, I've been going back and forth over what to put on the wall above Scarlett's crib. At first, I wanted to do wooden letters spelling out her name, then Jake and I thought "what about a decal?". Wooden letters turned out to be either really hard to find in a "font" that didn't look right or really pricey. Decals were OK, but we were having a hard time choosing one and then colors. Since her room is light yellow, having white in the decal didn't seem feasible because we were afraid it would disappear against the wall.

On a website I look at from time to time called Etsy, I saw that some people use bunting, or a cloth banner to spell out things like "Happy Birthday" or other holiday messages. So I thought "why not spell out a baby's name?". Perfect! Now the colors! And I don't have a sewing machine! And I've never done anything like this before! Do I ask someone else to do it? Who? Is this something I can do on my own? After some inner debate, I decided this would be something I wanted to do for my daughter. I was hoping that my effort would become one of those precious keepsakes she'll appreciate throughout her life, one day showing her daughter the bunting and saying "My mom made this for me".

So after two trips to JoAnn's Fabrics, debating colors, a few nights work and a new appreciation for "Liquid Stitch" (aka fabric glue), I finished her bunting and hung it last night with Jake. It came out WAY better than I imagined. I'm pretty darn proud of myself.

I decided once I saw the hot pink on the blue that maybe the letters needed a little more definition. So I took my cross stitch thread and stitched white thread around the edges to give it a more home-made and playful look.

I'm really happy with how it turned out. The flag points aren't perfect, but I love it anyways!

What do you think?

1 comment:

Megan :) said...

You did a fabulous job!!