Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Electric Holiday Overload

Jake and I were proud to put light up on our house this year. I was all enthusiastic and had ideas of grandeur of where lights would be put. Jake, on the other hand, decided that he was too nervous to brave our gravel roofing to fulfill my ideas of said grandeur. Nevertheless, we comprimised and decided to just decorate our porch. I haven't taken a picture yet because as you've probably have heard, we're having quite the soggy season...that, and my camera's battery is dead.

But, today I saw pictures online of some people who go REALLY overboard with lights on their houses for the holidays and decided to share some of them with you. There are always two things that pop into my head when I see pictures like these: #1, Wow...would hate to get THAT PG&E bill, and #2, Some poor sould had to actually spend the time to put up those lights, make sure they were in the right place for extension cords, and calculate the voltage to not blow a fuse. That's talent my friends...

Original photo by MSVG via Flickr

Original photo by DMcGrew via Flickr

Original photo by juliejigsaw via Flickr

Photographer unknown, posted on BlogTo by Jerrold Litwinenko

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