Sunday, December 13, 2009

I made it

So, I went through the HSG, or Hysterosalpingogram.

The good news is I'm fine. No blockages. I'm all clear and now I just need the appointment with the RE to give him Jake and my medical histories and then do the injectables class and start the medications.

I've also found that I've lost 6 pounds. Good news again.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Lolo,
I stumbled across your blog while researching infertility stuff. I've been trying to get preg for 7 cycles now. Currently I'm on day 10 of the 2ww. Fingers crossed, but I don't have my hopes up at the moment! I'm glad to hear all is clear and you'll be able to start injections. I was using clomid the past 6 tries and did the injections this last round. They aren't as bad as I thought they'd be, but still, it's not exactly a thrill to give yourself a shot every night! At any rate, I thought I'd reach out, let you know I'm reading. Good luck to you guys! --Wendy