Monday, December 21, 2009

House update

Jake and I stopped by the house yesterday and the new carpet is in! I love how it looks and we're moving more and more boxes every day. We're shooting for having the big pieces of furniture (bed, couch, etc.) only left for the movers so it'll take just a couple of hours.

Today I went to Target and got more storage tubs and holy hell...PEOPLE! People. every. where. I guess that's what you get for going to Target to get moving stuff 4 days before Christmas when all the crazies who were too busy getting schnockered on egg nog and trying to recover from Black Friday finally get off the patoots and finish (or start) their Santa duties. No judgement. None at all.

Anyways, so then Jake and I returned the original keys to the house to the landlords and spent some quality time with Ginger, their prized, spoiled rotten Beagle (but she's an absolute sweetheart). We have now been given permission to move stuff into the actual house, and not just the basement.

Now after a couple of Goodwill runs and some more boxes moved and we'll be all ready to go. I'm just trying to make this the easiest move possible. And we need to have it all done in 2 weeks...

Pray for us.

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