Monday, June 27, 2011

Sorry to be absent...

Things are crazy busy right now. Here's a quick update and I will elaborate later...

1. I got a new job...a part time one after maternity leave was over. I still have my old job, but that has also been transitioned into part time. More to come later.

2. Scarlett's 3 month "birthday" post is coming, I promise.

3. Scarlett is also battling her first cold...well it's more like the sniffles but it still sucks. She's a little trooper though.

4. True Blood season 4 started...need I say more?

5. Jake starts school in August, so we're trying to gear up for that with scheduling and the baby.

6. I have come to some personal revelations and epiphanies that I'm not comfortable sharing on this blog at the moment, but maybe soon I will be able to come out with what's on my mind.

Whew...yeah...I truly apologize for my lax in blogging, but I promise to check in again and elaborate on some items here. Stay with me people...I am alive. :)

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