Thursday, June 30, 2011

Scarlett - 3 months old

Dear Scarlett-

Wow, this month has been quite a ride. Right after your growth spurt, you had your first physical checkup with your doctor...but that checkup also came with shots. You were SO not a happy camper, but you took things like a trooper. You are one tough little cookie; speaking of which...

You have quite the temper. I think it's the Portuguese, Irish and German in you. When you are uncomfortable, or hungry and not getting your way when you want it, you put up quite a fuss. On one hand, I should've seen it coming because I'm stubborn as well. On the other, I didn't expect that aspect of your personality to pop up so soon. It's OK though, it just means you're more like your namesake than ever.

You're getting more into the groove of tummy time vs. before when you would just scream the whole time. Now you actually hold your head up for a few minutes and look at Daddy or I when we're down on the floor with you. You L-O-V-E your Daddy. You and he have this special bond that I'm so grateful for. You definitely have your father wrapped around your tiny finger, and it shows. That being said, it's the same with your Grandpa and Grandma. They LOVE you too, and it shows. Grandma is making sure your addiction to Hello Kitty is as deep as mine. :)

By the Grace of God, you've been sleeping through the night lately. I know now that I've said that out loud, those days will be gone for a while. You're currently on the down slope of your first cold and you've handled it like a true champ. It could've been a whole lot worse than it is, but I'm grateful that you got a "light" cold that seemed to only give you the sniffles.

You continue to amaze and surprise me every day with how much you're growing and how much the person that you are/will become is peeking out every day. I can't wait to find out what tomorrow will bring!

We love you our gorgeous girl!


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