Sunday, May 22, 2011

Scarlett - Two months old

Dear Scarlett-

Well, here we are, another month flown by.

You are growing like a weed babycakes, and I can't believe you're out of newborn clothes and diapers and into some bigger sizes. You're still a little munchkin, but you are growing fast. Many people have commented on how much bigger you are compared to when they first saw you. I wish you could remain my tiny little peanut forever, but I know you have to grow up.

You are smiling more and more each day and you've started "talking" to me when you smile, and when you play in your floor gym. When you get excited, you start to wave your arms and kick your legs all while breathing at an excited pace. I love hearing your little voice, it's a beautiful sound. You're growing more tolerant of tummy time, but you do get a little mad towards the end each time.

You went through a growth spurt which threw us for a loop with a sudden change in your sleep habits, but other than that, you are sleeping more through the night. Daddy and I have noticed that you are like me in that you don't like your feet covered. You could be wrapped up like a little burrito, but your feet will stick out of the bottom of the blanket. You also tend to wiggle your feet and toes when you are relaxed. That's a trait of mine as well. You are proving to be very ticklish and are starting to smile when we tickle you instead of get mad.

Your personality is peeking out more and more. You're still a little camel with being pratically insatiable when it comes to feeding. You love your milk still, there's no doubt about that.

Tomorrow is the big day where we get to see exactly how much you've grown, and also get your first shots. Daddy and I will be there for you baby, always.

We love you our gorgeous girl.

Love, Mommy


Megan :) said...

Love it!!! She IS getting sooo big. Beautiful baby Scarlett! :)

Anonymous said...

She is so darling.