Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mother's Day thoughts...

Tomorrow is my first Mother's Day ever. As I type those words "out loud", I find it hard to wrap my brain around the fact that I am a mother. I am a mommy. I'm a mom.

As I sit and (sort of) watch my beautiful daughter sleep in her bassinet, I also find myself remembering how I got here. And it wasn't just me. It was Jake, my wonderful husband, who was my strength and hope throughout the entire process of infertility. He was my biggest cheerleader, and lead me back onto the path when I was desperate to just sit down and throw in the towel. And there's my family...my amazing family. From across the country to across the street, everyone lent support and a willing shoulder and ear. To them I cried, I smiled, I vented and explained. There was no judgement or prejudice. There was only love, and I truly felt the meaning of the word "family". Even those who I wasn't close to growing up were there for me in ways I never expected, but deeply appreciate to this day and always will.

My Mom and Dad who offered me everything from arms to hug me when I was in tears, to hours long phone calls and telling me everything will be OK. My time would come, and the baby that was meant to be mine would come one day.

But tomorrow is a day that will hold so much meaning for me. I mean, it always has as I have always been very close to my mom. But now, I am on the other side of the bridge. I'm the mom now. I'm not just the daughter celebrating her mother, but I'm also now a mother celebrating the reason why tomorrow has been taken to a whole new level in my life.

Of course, I also remember those who are still trying to become moms or those who are moms of little angel babies. I would never forget those who share the "process" and experiences I had. Please keep the faith that everything will work out. Because it will.

So as today's sun sets, and I look at my daughter's sleeping face, I can't help but think...I finally made it. I'm a mom...and nothing can change that.

Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day, Lolo.
Lots of love to you today.