Thursday, April 21, 2011

Scarlett - 1 month old

Dear Scarlett,

It's hard to believe that one short/long month ago, you entered your Daddy and my lives. Of course, you needed to have a dramatic entrance (you must get that from me) and come 4 weeks early on the night of the Super Moon. 27 hours later, you officially arrived and it's been a wild ride ever since.

I notice that you respond to my voice and look at me when I call your name, or when I'm feeding you. The other day I was singing your favorite song to you ("Imagine" by the Beatles) and you just stared at me the entire time. You also lift your head when I hold you to my chest and today, you actually smiled...at least while you were awake. You LOVE your bouncy chair and even the swing...if only I could take them for a ride too. You definitely have a little Irish temper, and you don't play around when it comes to food. You like your milk, and you like it NOW! :)

Your Daddy is quite smitten with you. He loves holding you, feeding you and even changing your diaper. I can tell you two have a really special bond and I love seeing it grow day by day.

You are more than I could have ever hoped for. You have gorgeous blue eyes and wispy brown hair (which I swear is turning a little blond). I look at you every day in amazement that after 3 years, your Daddy and I finally have you in our lives. I prayed every day for you, and I'm so grateful that I get to know you. We love you Scooter...always and forever.

Love, Mommy

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