Monday, January 4, 2010

2:30am...and I'm up

Last night Jake and I were up until 2:30am with my hacking away with a horrible cough. I've been sick, with a head cold. I'm fine otherwise, but the congestion is getting to be more than I can bear. I think it's progressed into Bronchitis, and I don't know what to do.

For a while, and as my parents lovingly point out every time I get sick, I cough hard. I always get the deep chest, vibrated, barking cough. It's the kind that make people either cringe to hear, or they look at me with such pity that I almost feel sorry for myself if the feeling of the chest pain from the actual coughing wasn't getting in the way.

So, last night...about that...

So Jake wanted to go to a 24-hour pharmacy. The closest ones were in either Hercules (10 miles away) or Berkeley (about 5-10 miles away). Normally I wouldn't have objected to it but I'm not a fan of Richmond late at night. So going there at 2am was out of the question. So, we looked up home remedies that could hold me over until the morning. So, we found this nasty concoction that surprisingly works. It's 6 oz hot water (not boiling) with 1 oz apple cider vinegar with a touch of maple syrup for sweetening.

I got a total of 4.5 hours sleep. I'm so tired.

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