Monday, December 15, 2008

Awesome weekend

As most of you might know, I've been having a tough time lately. With the stress from trying to have a baby, work, Christmas (yes I sometimes stress about that too), and being lonely here in Point Richmond, it's been hard on me.

This weekend, I was invited to my wonderful cousin Megan's house to show me how to make peppermint bark. I decided to go the double-color route and do semi-sweet chocolate on the bottom and white chocolate on top with all natural candy canes on top of that. We had a blast crushing candy canes with hammers, melting the chocolates and hanging out. We were listening to Christmas music half the time and I really got into the Christmas spirit. I usually don't get into Christmas until about 3-5 days beforehand. Then by the time Christmas rolls around, it's holiday overload. When it ends, I don't want to even think the word "Christmas" until next year. I've been good about gifts. I've got all but a couple of people done, which is unheard of for me. I had my first gifts bought and wrapped by mid November. It totally freaked my mom out. While on my way home, I found a Christmas music radio station and was rockin' out to "Feliz Navidad". I'm talking full on car karaoke. I'm sure I got a lot of "what the hell?" looks from fellow drivers, but I didn't care.

When I got home, Jake had cleaned most of the house, which I was really surprised and happy about. It's been pretty crazy in our house with gifts, decorations, mail, and everything else. He cleaned it all up and I was greeted with a clean house. I had put up lights in the front window and with the Christmas tree all lit up in the window too, it was so awesome to come home too.

Yesterday, Jake had to go to San Jose, so I stayed home and finished Breaking Dawn...the last book in the Twilight saga. I'm a little bummed that I'm done reading the series, but it is such a good series. The ending was good and I was happy with the entire story. I'm only sad that the author's 5th book was leaked, so we can only read the first 12 chapters on her website.

So that's pretty much it...I hope everyone else is keeping warm and cozy these days...it's FREEZING outside! :)


Megan :) said...

I had a BLAST this weekend too! I put up the pics on my blog. :) Can't wait to see you (and the fam)at Christmas!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good time! I'm so glad you had some relaxation!

Car karaoke is so much fun!

I was sad to finish the story too, but I have found some entertainment in all the "Fan Fiction" that is on facfiction.net.

I hope you have a great week!