Sunday, September 18, 2011

30 Before 30 - Horseback Riding

One of the big things on my 30 before 30 list was wanting to go horseback riding again. I've always had a fondness for horses and if I could, I would go back in time and become an equestrian. There's something so beautiful about horses that draws me. I've gone riding a few times in the past, but not for a long time.

As part of the 6th anniversary (Sept 18) of Jake and my engagement, he decided it would be a good idea to go back to Monterey to visit the spot where he proposed. On the way, he made reservations to go horseback riding on the beach by the dunes in Salinas. We arrived about 30 minutes early, and were riding with three people from England, so they were eager to try "Western Style" riding.

The guide's name was Butch and he brought all but one horse out from the trailer and they were all saddled and ready to go. Jake got matched with the tallest horse there, which was a chocolate brown male named Moose. I got a reddish/brown and white patched female named Angel. The three English people got Geronimo, Dakota and Buddy. The one horse that was left behind in the trailer was Dunny, who according to Butch was "the biggest troublemaker" and it was quite apparent that he was right considering the fit Dunny had when Butch closed the trailer door. I felt bad for poor Dunny, but it wasn't hot and there was a breeze, so I knew Dunny would be OK in the trailer.

Angel is the brown/white one on the far left. Moose is the brown one on the far right.

So we began down the trail and onto the beach. We were just walking at a decent pace, the waves of the Pacific Ocean reaching the horses' feet, and up to their ankles. It was really beautiful.

Then it happened...

I was 2nd in line after Butch on his horse, and I don't really remember what happened exactly. All I could remember was Angel moving really fast, holding onto the reins while watching the ground get closer and closer, and hearing Butch say "WHOA WHOA WHOA". Then I hit the sand. I guess a wave spooked Butch's horse, which spooked Angel. She turned and began to freak out, and threw me. I remember hitting the ground and thinking "Oh God, don't get stepped on" so I quickly got back up. I wasn't hurt since the sand gave me a soft landing, but my butt and back were wet from the wet sand and I was embarrased. Butch got Angel by the reins and brought her back to me. He asked if I was alright, I said yes. He said "Are you sure?" and I said "Yes. I would tell you if something was wrong". I was shaking from the adrenaline a little bit, but I was OK, and he said "OK, are you going to ride?" I said "Absolutely". So Butch knelt down so I could use his knee as a step stool and I got back onto Angel. I never felt threatened or like I was in danger. It was an accident and I understood that. Accidents happen. I was fine. Butch kept hinting at his fear that I would sue the stables for negligence, but I assured him that it was no one's fault, I knew that falling was a possibility, and I didn't blame anyone for what happened. I could tell he was still nervous, but I kept saying "It's no one's fault".

Notice the wet sand on my lower leg and jacket? But also notice I'm smiling???

We rode up the rest of the beach, onto a trail and back to the beach headed the other way. When we got back to the trailer, Dunny was still there, making noises as if to say "Well well well, look what the cat dragged in". It was pretty funny. Jake and I thanked Butch for the fun time and I again said "I'm not angry. It was an accident. It's no one's fault." I even wrote an email this morning thanking the owners for the nice time and assuring them that nothing bad was going to happen from my end and that I would recommend them to anyone.

So my first 30 before 30 activity is completed. And I'm still alive. :) But I would go riding again in a hot minute.

See? I made it! :)

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