Sunday, January 16, 2011


This post is brought to you by the number 3...3 months that is.

Today is the 16th of January which makes 3 months until my due date. Yesterday marked 27 weeks, which in the pregnancy world, doesn't necessarily add up to the "9 months" women are generally pregnant, so I'm going by month.

We've begun setting up Scarlett's nursery. We've been ho-humminh between two paint samples in a light yellow color. Her crib is ordered and will be here between February and April 1st, which is too broad a timeline for me, but I have no choice. :) We've moved our futon out of her room and into the office. Her collection of clothes is slowly growing and I'm thinking I'll have to purchase some Dreft soon, but am holding off until we get her dresser which is being purchased from Ikea soon. The bedding we chose was ordered and delivered to my very gracious and caring aunt who is holding onto it for me until our shower. I'm on the hunt for letters to spell out her name, which has been a challenge so far, but I'm determined to find what I want.

When I'm sitting on the couch or in bed watching TV, I feel so close to her. I feel those are the times where I can actually take a moment and enjoy her movements. I'm getting so used to them that now when she kicks or moves, it makes me laugh rather than stop and say "WTF?". She responds so much when Jake talks to her, it's really extraordinary to see their relationship develop right in front of me. He loves her so much already, it's so sweet to see him speak to her.

Time is slipping by so fast these days, it's hard to believe we're so close to meeting her. I know time will only go by faster from now on, but I still am looking forward to seeing our little girl.

1 comment:

Angel said...

Glad the nursery is coming along. Can't believe there's only three months to go.