Thursday, November 12, 2009

yuck with a capital F

Sorry for the profanity that is existing in my subject title, but this has been a frustrating day. I was, once again, reminded why I dropped "deadbeat OB" as Jake and I refer to her.

As posted previously, most of you know that I was referred to an RE, aka Reproductive Endocrinologist. Lamens (sp?) terms: doctor that can help infertility caused by hormonal screw-ups.

Tuesday I got a call from the office of a doctor in SF that will be my RE. The nurse was very nice and explained that I would need a consultation and updated blood work to measure where I am now vs. when I was the last time I had blood taken for these particular tests. She wanted to see which tests I would need specifically, so they called me back yesterday. In addition to updated blood work, I am to have an HSG. (TMI time) An HSG is a Hysterosalpingography. Basically, the "shoot" slightly radioactive dye via a catheter into my uterus and fallopian tubes to see if the tubes are blocked. (See? told you TMI) I've heard various stories about this procedure with the degree of pain ranging from "uncomfortable like a pelvic exam" to "thought I would jump off the table it hurt so bad". I will also need to take Progesterone to have a withdrawal bleed (aka menses) and then have the bloodwork done before this procedure takes place. I will also go in to have a consultation with the doctor that will oversee my case and will take medical histories from both Jake and I. After that, I will need to take a class on injectable medication: what it is, what it does, risks, etc. in addition to learning how to administer the meds. Yeah...Laurel is going to "learn" how to give herself a shot. Yikes. I say "learn" with quotation marks because I will be taking notes and then showing Jake how to do it since I know if I even try to get near myself with a needle, you would find me in an unconcious heap in whatever room I'm in.

The reason for the subject title is because I knew this would happen. When I was with "deadbeat OB", I asked her if I needed to have an HSG and she said with my diagnosis, I wouldn't need one. I thought maybe it might be a good idea to see if there is another cause to not ovulating rather than shoving pills down my throat, but she's the professional apparently (insert extreme sarcasm in the previous statement) ;) So yes, I'm a little miffed. This procedure could have been done and overwith but nooooooooo. Argh.

I know that with the medication I'm already on, continued exercise and eating right that this will all be OK and we'll be parents before you know it. It's just the needles I'm not fond of.


Megan :) said...

Glad to hear things are gonna be moving along! My friend Donna had to have the HSG and she was preggo within 2 months after! Here is a little exerpt from her blog right before she went in for her HSG:

"my cousin says it's not too bad and it's over fast, BUT she strongly urges me to take 800 mg. of Motrin beforehand. It's on the to-do list. I was surprised to find that the HSG websites all said that the procedure can increase fertility in a woman. I read countless message boards where women conceived the month after the HSG."

I remember she had cramping afterwards, but nothing excrutiating...thank God. :) Still not fun though..we'll be praying for a good outcome for you guys!!

Megan :) said...

BTW...I busted out laughing at the comment you made about how..."if I even try to get near myself with a needle, you would find me in an unconcious heap in whatever room I'm in." BlaahahahahahahaHA!! you crack me up. :)