Tuesday, December 28, 2010

24 weeks

24 weeks along...wow. It's REALLY hitting me that I'm about 2/3 the way through my pregnancy. Now I'm getting scared. In 4 short days, it will be the year Jake and I have a baby. I will be giving birth in less than 4 months (approximately).

I think my biggest fear is the labor part. Everything is so unknown when it's your first and every single experience is different from another. It scares me that I'm not prepared like I want to be. Things can go so unexpectedly in one direction or another at any given moment that it's terrifying to me. I like knowing what to expect. I like being prepared for what lies ahead of me. Being in labor and the events that it will consist of are so far out of my control. Yikes! But in the end, I know Jake and I will have a beautiful little girl and all the pain will wash away and be over.

I guess that's what I have to tell myself: No matter how much it hurts or how scary it is...it will end. The pain will fade away and the fear of labor will stop because it will be done in a second.

Thanks...I feel better now. :)


Anonymous said...

Aw you look so cute!

And yeah, I'd be freaked out too. Good self-coaching! :)

Anna said...

awww I love your bump :)

Megan :) said...

You crack me up. You will do fine...we mom's alway's do...pain and all. ;)
I remember worrying about labor too. I think that's a big fear for most women the first time aorund. The fear of the unknown.
The second time around I *kinda* (cause labor's are all differnt ya know)knew what to expect. Hahaha.
I know this may sound nuts-o, but taking a warm shower helps A LOT with relaxation and pain relief. Just sayin'. Wish I knew that with Jalen!
Oh, and epidurals are the BEST. Hahaha.
Just know that no matter how much you plan your 'birthing experience' it will never unfold the way you are expecting/planning. But then again, neither does parenting. Hahaha.
Boy...I'm just glad that God is in control and He answers prayer!
I love you Beautiful Mama!!