Monday, July 13, 2009

She's back again.

AF showed this morning. I knew it was coming since last night.

I had a mild false alarm with a possible pregnancy since I was 3 days late. I decided to not test yet and see if my BBT would drop. I had tested about 3 & 4 days before AF was due and got a BFN. It was sort of nice to be late and seriously consider the fact that I might be pregnant. Now, not so much. I'm not crying, I'm not upset...not yet. We didn't do an IUI this month at the advice of our doctor because he wants the Metformin to start working before we do another IUI.

I'm more tired than anything. I'm tired of trying. I'm tired of testing. I'm tired of this. I"m just.plain.tired.

Oh well, on to the next. :(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:( Sorry.
Keep your chin up dear.