Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Checking things off on the road to baby...

As some of you know, Jake and I are trying for our first child. When I was 15 years old, I was diagnosed with PCOS (Polycycstic Ovarian Syndrome). It's a growingly-common fertility issue among women, and I'm a lucky contestant.

I've always know I want to be a mom. I feel there's no greater accomplishment than giving another person life, and showing them what that life has to offer. (I know...mushy). Jake, of course, has always known he has wanted to be a father, so our problem was just deciding when we wanted to start. Well, little Skyler was born and that kick-started Jake's brain into baby-mode. Unfortunately, as much as I would like to do the same with my body, I can't. I told him earlier in our relationship that it would be very tough (and worst-case scenario: impossible) for me to have children. So we decided to wait, and just have fun with it. We decided when we got married to seriously try after a year if it felt right. Well, nothing's changed.

So I've been charting my BBT (Basal Body Temperature), and taking pre-natal vitamins as ordered by my doctor. Yesterday I had my first batch of blood tests and got the results today...and I have no idea what any of the results mean, which I'm sure my doctor will explain them to me so I understand what's going on.

Of course, now I've figured out that my veins are difficult to find, so like an idiot, I forgot to drink a lot of water yesterday morning. The phlebotomist poked my right arm, thinking he got a vein and it turned out there was nothing coming out. So he patched me up, flipped me around (I have to lay down during blood tests or else I pass out) and tried the left arm...success!!! I came to work yesterday looking like a drug addict...not fun. So now, all that is left before medicinal treatment is three more weeks of charting, one more batch of blood tests and eating healthy...I am crossing anything and everything I can on my body that everything will go well and baby will be here soon...here's hoping. :)


Megan :) said...

Hang in there babe! Maybe we'll be prego together...even if it's for a short time!? :) You are in our prayers!

Angel said...


I'm so there with ya babe! We can be frusterated together. My doctor wants me to take clomid, ugh!